
New member
Aug 10, 2019

I am investing in a new tv. I am going to go for 42 -46 inch screen. I am undecided whether to go for plasma or lcd. I am currently leaning towards plasma. Any advise would be really welcome.

I am a huge sports, movies and gaming fan.I have digital tv and a ps3 but am hoping to get hi def sky soon. In What HIFI they say that the sony beats all of its plasma rivals but when it comes to watching sports I am personlly not sure. However in CNET they say that the sony only scores a 9 when the pioneer scores a 9.3. Who am I to trust. Who is more independnt and not open to shall i say "gifts". I am not trying to be funny here but I just want honest advise.

With the Pioneer pdp428xd I heard that the company is bringing out a "full HD" version in September. I am thinking this will probably be considerably more expensive than the current model. Does anyone know roughly what it would cost.? Would it be worth the extra pounds?

Plesase please give me your opinions as its a hugh investment and I want to get it right. Thanks again for your help. Breffni

Andrew Everard

New member
May 30, 2007
9 vs 9.3 whats? Can't speak for CNET - whatever that is :) - but you can be assured that the reviews in WHFSV are not in any way shape or form open to shall you say 'gifts'. It'd be a hanging offence around these parts, and anyway all of the WHFSV reviews are carried out by groups of reviewers, rather than being the kind of single opinion you'll read elsewhere. Boy, does that lead to some cracking arguments!

AFAIK the new Full HD screens coming from Pioneer are in 50 and 60in sizes, so yes will be considerably more expensive.

The advice would be that the Sony is still a cracking set, but if you're 'still not sure' then you should go with the one you prefer. It's not a matter of trust, it's a matter of free will!

Clare Newsome

New member
Jun 4, 2007
And remember we're running a 42in Supertest in our issue that comes out September 20th, if you can wait that long. It will have all the new-generation sets, including Pioneer plasma vs new-model Sony LCD, and a range of other plasma/LCD battles between Panasonic, Toshiba et al.

On the subject of honesty, I can only back-up Andrew's assertion that all our reviews are based on one thing and one thing only - what's the best product the reader can buy for the money.

You can find a more detalied explanation of how we test - and how it's so different to the freelance-driven testing used by others, including CNET - on this earlier thread.


The difference between 9.3 and 9.0 is 0.3.....................hardly a difference at all. Don't go by the reviews. use them and all the weird and wonderful scores given therein with a 'pinch of salt'. Go and audition for yourself. Personally though.....................the Pioneer runs rings around the Sony, and then some

Andy Clough

New member
Apr 27, 2004
I'll just add my voice to what Clare and Andrew have already said: all our reviews are carried out in our state-of-the-art test rooms by the most experienced team of reviewers in the business, which is why What Hi-Fi? Sound and Vision is respected the world over.

We have three rooms specifically designed for testing TVs and projectors, and all products are tested in exactly the same environment so there's absolute consistency. Each verdict is discussed among the team, so is a group decision, not that of one individual.


Ok I thank your quck reply. I never realised cnet was freelance. Its just sometimes I winder thats all.

On the subject of Full Def am I right in assuming that it will probably be only ever used for Blu Ray and Hi Def DVD as it would be too expensive for tv channels to broadcast in full def.

Relating to my set up I only have digital tv as I am not allowed a sky dish on my flat. I do have a ps3 too. So in your expert opinion would it be worth breaking the bank and going for FULL HI DEF. Major problem is Clare the Rugby world cup starts in September. As I am a big sports fan I am not sure I can wait. Would you strongly recommend it. Do you think it would be worth my while. Again thanks for you help Breffni

Clare Newsome

New member
Jun 4, 2007
Hello there - you sure, after yesterday's performance v France, you're as keen to watch the World Cup?! (I have a bad feeling....)

Anyhow, no plans in place in near future for Full HD TV. This, coupled with the fact that we've seen many standard HD Ready sets that outperform Full HD sets with both standard TV, DVD, upscaled TV and Blu-ray/HD DVD and I think you should buy the very best HD Ready set you can get your hands on for your budget.

And talking of that.... We've got a 50in plasma in the October issue (out August 23rd) that is truly remarkable. If you've got the current, September issue, you'll find a large hint in the Next Month panel, p29.. (Andrew's going to flame me for this).


Yep well I am Irish but I think we are all going to be the whipping boys for the kiwis unfortunately. Still though loosing to Scotland. What is going on there?

Ok you have convinced me to wait but I can't get my hands on the current issue. I am over in Seattle on business for another week (hence the funny posting times) and all of the copies are delayed. Can you tell me what it is or maybe point to where I could find the model you are referrring to on the internet.

Your magazine must be well respected and widely read as its distribution here in the states is excellent. Keep up the good work all.


Andy Clough

New member
Apr 27, 2004
Well, just to give you a bit of a hint (and I hope Clare won't tell me off for this!), the Next Month panel in the current issue says: "Pioneer flatscreen sensation! We test the plasma that claims it's going to change the way you look at television."

Ssshh, now don't tell anyone I told you...


Sorry to keep banging on on this. I have my mind set on the Pioneer 508xd or should I go for the full hd which will be probably 2 grand more. I have heard that you can't really notice the difference and I haven't got that many blue ray movies also2 grand is alot of cash. PLease I want your opinions. Clare if your out there please answser once more oh and everyone else tks breffni


Wait wait wait wait wait,


Buy the best you can and enjoy enjoy enjoy enjoy.

I have the current 50 inch Samsung, after buying the 42 inch Pioneer last Christmas (now with the folks).

They are top screens which means minimum of 10 - 15 years of pleasure lies ahead. At this quality level it's quite marginal but the money is not.

Buy the best you can and get on with the important thing; enjoying it. You'll be waiting for ever, with an ever increasing potential outlay and no TV if you keep looking ahead. We've all done it before, you end up buying nothing at all!

You can get the 50 inch Samsung for £1050 (look it up on The Pioneer and Panasonic for a few hundred more. They're all there. Good luck.