For me, it did. The Z700 and Z70 was my very first choice when I started looking for a new flat screen. Ever since I have learnt that Z700 doesn't take 1080p/24 and has lower contrast ratio against the Z70, I looked into the Z70 more seriously, then I found out it doesn't have HDMI v1.3. Hence I am going for the Samsung LE46F86 or PS50P96, both have HDMI 1.3 (and other bits

Although the advantage of having 1.3 is minute (auto lip synch, deep colour, etc), since I am starting all new with AV amp/receiver, flat screen, HD player. I might as well go for the 'future' proof kit.
Don't get me wrong tho, I believe there are a lot of happy Panny owners out there without a single concern whether their set is 1.3 or not.