Onkyo 605 and Mission M Cube


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I need a bit of advice, I recently purchased the M Cubes to go with my 605 when setting the cubes up the manual advises setting the speaker output in the receiver to large however this isnt an option on the 605. Any advice on what to do??
What options do you have? I have to say, I'm surprised it advises you to set the M Cubes up as large - I would have thought with them you'd want all the low end stuff sent to the subwoofer.
The way they are set up is weird. You get a cable which goes to the amps speaker and sub outputs then to the sub. The cables for the speakers are then plugged into the sub which distributes the sound. I am guessing they advise large so that most frequencies go through the speaker cable to the sub which then seperates them to the speakers. They only go down to 280 hz you see the sub handles everythuing below that.


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