One upgrade to start with


New member
Oct 30, 2009
I have the marantz 6002 combo with dali lektor 1 speakers. I do like the sound but I have moved the hi-fi into a bigger room so have to adjust the volume accordingly. It still does a fine job but I would like to upgrade the amp or speakers. Control and seperation could be improved but I love the way vocals ( most important factor) are expressed and with simple music I cant imagine better but if there is more going on it can sound a bit muddled. As I can only improve 1 component at the moment would slightly bigger easier to drive speakers make a bigger difference than upgrading the amp. I love the reviews of the triangle color bookshelf speakers and feel they would suit my taste but would say the brio-r bring more out of the lektors. I have a fair distance to travel for an audition so I would like advice before doing this.


New member
Oct 30, 2009
Amp or speakers anyone. Can I get more out of the speakers with a better amp or can better speakers maximise what the cd player and amp can do. Thanks.


New member
Feb 22, 2013
I'm not familiar with the speakers but I also think a better amp would be the first place to start. You mention the Brio-R so i assume your budget is around £400, worth checking out the Exposure 1010 too.

If you want to spend less and would consider buying used, the Marantz PM7200 is a great amp.


New member
Oct 30, 2009
Thanks for the replies. Slightly surprised that amp was suggested as the component that needed upgraded first. What hi-fi described the lektors as having a smallish sound field so sounded a touch veiled because of the size of woofer and I was wondering if it was capable of giving me the seperation I would like regardless of amp improvement. The tonal qualities of the lektors I would like to keep so if an amp can bring out more in the lektors then I would be more than happy.