next step


New member
Mar 16, 2008
Ok my ra-04 has decided to die, what would be a next step UP from the rotel RA-04, I'm currently using the 685's with qud silver ann. I wouldn't mind something with little more power but not too much, sorry for the short post, first day off in weeks. GnT yum
Do you have an idea of why it's died? May be worth speaking to Rotel to see how much they'd charge for a service and to repair it; it could be something very simple!

What would be handy to know is what is your budget and what music do you listen to?

If you're happy with 2nd hand separates you couldnt do any wrong to looking for a NAD C352 or C355BEE integrated amp on eBay. You could also consider an Arcam Alpha 10 or Arcam DiVA A85 integrated amp as well.

The above amps gel very well with the B&W 685 speakers but another idea would also to swap the QED speaker cable ytou have for Chord Carnival Silverscreen; believe me the sound/tone differances are very obvious!