Network player for old Quad system?

Stephen C

New member
Mar 31, 2016
I have a complete vintage Quad valve system, all recently serviced, including 22/11 amps, ESL57's and running into it all a Quad 99 CDP-2 CD player. For years I have also used a Philips Streamium NP1100 for internet radio and playing files from my NAS drive (a Seagate GoFlex Home) which I run through the CDP-2's DAC via the Streamium's digital out. I was wondering if anyone here could give me some suggestions on whether/how to upgrade my streamer? I have recently got into internet radio and to a smaller extent hi-res downloads and would like to get the best quality sound I can with my existing hi-fi setup. I would like to continue to use the CDP-2's DAC mainly because of the lack of inputs into the 22 pre-amp. So getting a network streamer with its own DAC would be pointless and a waste of cash. I am not interested in multi-room setups or in ripping my existing CD collection. Just internet radio and playing the occasional downloaded file. I have just spent hours looking at various devices on the internet and being unable to discover what sort of device or which "price point" to go for. Would buying a Cyrus Stream X for example give me way better sound quality than my system could reproduce? If so what device(s) should I be looking at? Or maybe I should just stick with the Philips?

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!
Stephen C said:
I have a complete vintage Quad valve system, all recently serviced, including 22/11 amps, ESL57's and running into it all a Quad 99 CDP-2 CD player.  For years I have also used a Philips Streamium NP1100 for internet radio and playing files from my NAS drive (a Seagate GoFlex Home) which I run through the CDP-2's DAC via the Streamium's digital out.  I was wondering if anyone here could give me some suggestions on whether/how to upgrade my streamer? I have recently got into internet radio and to a smaller extent hi-res downloads and would like to get the best quality sound I can with my existing hi-fi setup.  I would like to continue to use the CDP-2's DAC mainly because of the lack of inputs into the 22 pre-amp.  So getting a network streamer with its own DAC would be pointless and a waste of cash. I am not interested in multi-room setups or in ripping my existing CD collection. Just internet radio and playing the occasional downloaded file. I have just spent hours looking at various devices on the internet and being unable to discover what sort of device or which "price point" to go for.  Would buying a Cyrus Stream X for example give me way better sound quality than my system could reproduce? If so what device(s) should I be looking at? Or maybe I should just stick with the Philips?

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!  
very nice system..i have some quad stuff too..all I do is stream stuff from my iPod to amp..if streamer is going thru quad cd crystal dac..i can't see how new one will sound any better? It should already sound pretty good thru your kit? Maybe more features? Have you tried ipod/iPhone thru your system streaming hd from you tube? Maybe not the most flexible but the sound is brilliant!
Yes it does sound pretty good as is. I just thought that possibly something else might be better than what is essentially a £120 streamer from Currys? I'm not too interested in extra features, just getting the best sound I can from the existing setup. I havn't tried an iPod, but I sometimes play 24/96 files from my Sony PCM D50 through the DAC with an optical connection and yes, it sounds stunning!
How far is your seating position from the 57s? My mate has the 63s they sound sublime.
keeper of the quays said:
How far is your seating position from the 57s? My mate has the 63s they sound sublime.

Speakers are 7ft apart. I generally sit 7ft away or sometimes 14ft, depending on what chair I want to use.
My mates ones are on stands which tilt them back a bit, I felt the best listening position was four foot behind his sofa standing up! we took them off the stands which made a difference and I hadn't realised how pre amp dependent they are? With the right synergy I think they may be one of the best speakers ever made..
keeper of the quays said:
My mates ones are on stands which tilt them back a bit, I felt the best listening position was four foot behind his sofa standing up! we took them off the stands which made a difference and I hadn't realised how pre amp dependent they are? With the right synergy I think they may be one of the best speakers ever made..

Mine are on stands which tilt them up and hold them about 10" off the floor. The original feet tilt back too far. I have only ever used the 22pre so can't tell what another amp would sound like.


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