Welcome again viewers.
Our camera crew has captured the Audiophilus Analogopithecus Digifarensis, roaming in his natural environment, faithfully shadowed by his female mating partner.
*cricket noises*
As these species come closer towards extintion, we have to appreciate this unique oportunity to evidence and document their instinctual behavior, as well as their everyday dealings with natural obstacles such as limited real estate and disposable income.
Now, let us watch closely.
Our camera crew has captured the Audiophilus Analogopithecus Digifarensis, roaming in his natural environment, faithfully shadowed by his female mating partner.
*cricket noises*
As these species come closer towards extintion, we have to appreciate this unique oportunity to evidence and document their instinctual behavior, as well as their everyday dealings with natural obstacles such as limited real estate and disposable income.

Now, let us watch closely.