Naim HDX


New member
Sep 23, 2007
Went to the Naim HDX Roadshow today in Leicester. They ran a demo of the unit firstly on its own and then adding in the different power supplies, which only act on the analogue stages of the unit. It was obviously passing through Naim amps and speakers.

The CD player section when used to play CD's without ripping is apparently equivalent to the entry level Naim CD players and this improves with the addition of the separate power supplies. There are two 600Gb hard-drives, one of which backs up the other overnight. Track data and album art is provided by the AMG and FreeDb databases.

The HDX was demonstrated on its own with an intricate acoustic guitar rock track. It was a little bright at the top end with the strings "fizzing" but still a detailed sound with good soundstaging.

The demonstrator then added in the XPS power supply and it really filled out the midrange and took the edge off the fizz. It was at this point that my wallet started to twitch.

The power supply was changed again to the 555PS which made even more of an improvement. For the money, you'd want it to.

The power cable was then changed to the Power-line and there was a subtle but audible difference. This was not done blind and I'd need to play with it on and off before I'd decide whether to keep it. The demonstrator was quite willing to accept that some people would not perceive that there was much or any difference (even said "Snakeoil!") and that it is a component that should be auditioned in the home environment.

There was also a demo of 24-bit files via the HDX, which was really impressive. FLAC also now works (read from my USB stick).

The GUI was good and easy to use and can be output to a VGA monitor or TV via composite or S-video. Naim apparently haven't made a decision about creating a tablet to control it themselves and the system was controlled by a Nokia tablet.

Didn't put any money down despite an impressive demonstration (unlike quite a few other punters). I'd like to go back and hear the HDX (+/- the power supplies) compared to a Linn Akurate DS and Klimax DS all going through a Leema Acoustics Tucana (which is what I own) and equivalent speakers (to what I own) using my own music to audition the systems. I really liked the HDX's sound, even more so with the additional power supplies, but would still like to hear them all back-to-back. I'm also interested to see what What Hi-fi make of it all!

Lead time is apparently 12 weeks. Unit is £4500.

Interestingly, there will be a Reference server in the next 18 months or so that Naim say will convert analogue sources (vinyl) into digital and store (with imperfections in the signal corrected out) so that wear and tear on the original vinyl can be reduced whilst maintaining the same sound quality.
£4500 for something that sounds like their entry level cd players?! are they using diamond encrusted hard drives?
[quote user="Craig M."]
£4500 for something that sounds like their entry level cd players?! are they using diamond encrusted hard drives?


I was about to say the same!

I like the entry level Naim spinners but not for £4.5k!

And why do they demo power supplies on an already expensive product?!

People will buy it. But only people who are a) too stupid to use a computer and b) under the foot-tapping influence of Salibury.
But only old stupid people who are a) too stupid to use a computer

What a stupid comment............
...but if one knew how to how to use a computer one would be able to have more memory and better sound for less cash. 🙂

But according to you old people don't know how to use computers.

What a ridiculous assertion ..................
I didn't mean it like that. I'll remove the word "old" from the post 🙂
[quote user="darrenwm1"][quote user="Craig M."]

£4500 for something that sounds like their entry level cd players?! are they using diamond encrusted hard drives?


I was about to say the same!

I like the entry level Naim spinners but not for £4.5k!

And why do they demo power supplies on an already expensive product?!

People will buy it. But only people who are a) too stupid to use a computer and b) under the foot-tapping influence of Salibury.



Remember, folks, this is the voice of modern hi-fi retailing...
It's not my career, Andrew.

Remember, folks, that is the voice of modern journalism who has a slight bias towards Naim and who may not put across in his review that £4.5k for a 400GB server that sounds like an entry-level CDP is bad value 😉
[quote user="darrenwm1"]It's not a career, Andrew.[/quote]

For which small mercy we should all be grateful. And please moderate your language, because I am bored of doing so.
[quote user="Andrew Everard"]
[quote user="darrenwm1"]It's not a career, Andrew.[/quote]

For which small mercy we should all be grateful. And please moderate your language, because I am bored of doing so.
Okay, sorry about the language.

Do you think retailers should hang around tapping their feet though telling consumers that this is a great product when most switched on people can get themselves loads of storage, a nice interface, and good DAC for much less money?
[quote user="darrenwm1"]
Do you think retailers should hang around tapping their feet though telling consumers that this is a great product when most switched on people can get themselves loads of storage, a nice interface, and good DAC for much less money?[/quote]

Only those who have actually heard the product and believe it has something to offer the consumer.

After all, otherwise they'd spend their weekends trying to foist any old rubbish on consumers for whom they presumably have nothing but contempt, while knowing all all along that there are much better alternatives.
Look forward to the review.

It looks like a gorgeous unit.

Will it come with that lovely controller?

[quote user="Andrew Everard"]
I would think so.


I hope so, babe.
[quote user="Andrew Everard"]
[quote user="darrenwm1"]

I hope so, babe.[/quote]

Myopic too, huh?

Slightly. I would put my glasses on to read a small display a room's length away, which is why I prefer a Sonos-like controller.
[quote user="Craig M."]
£4500 for something that sounds like their entry level cd players?! are they using diamond encrusted hard drives?


Maybe I didn't make it clear enough in my original post. It sounds like an entry level CD player when it is being used purely as a CD player. It is claimed to be much better when streaming the audio either from the hard-drive or the network. As they didn't demonstrate the difference between the CD and streaming, I can't really comment. The streaming did sound good.
i'm intrigued as to why it would sound better from the hd, does this mean that the hd is a better way of supplying the 1's and 0's, or that the transport takes something away?

i'm looking forward to reviews of this player. it's way outside my price range but i really like the idea.
[quote user="Craig M."]

i'm intrigued as to why it would sound better from the hd, does this
mean that the hd is a better way of supplying the 1's and 0's, or that the
transport takes something away?
[/quote]In theorie, hd are a way better technology than a cd spinner....realistically speaking....some forum members noted that the best transports match the sound of a NAS (minimalist computer mainly used to stream music, video) the dac being the main component in achieving the best results. IMHO a hd will certainly perform better than any low to mid-priced cd-player connected to the same dac.
[quote user="Craig M."]
i'm intrigued as to why it would sound better from the hd, does this mean that the hd is a better way of supplying the 1's and 0's, or that the transport takes something away?

i'm looking forward to reviews of this player. it's way outside my price range but i really like the idea.

Apparently, the CD player does not have time to make corrections whilst it reads the CD into its buffer. When a song is ripped it is bit-perfect with multisampling (where an inaccurate reading is taken) until a perfect copy is stored.
what i really want is for roksan to stick a 1tb hd inside their new caspian cdp with a display/remote that lets me see enough to browse the hd and the facility to back up to an external drive. and ask about £1700 for it. i'd have one tomorrow.


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