naim 5i vs arcam alpha 10


New member
Aug 10, 2019
How do they compare soundwise?

I currently have an Arcam Alpha 10 amp driving my RX6's (ports plugged up), fed via squeezebox touch and Nad CD 545. I am a little unhappy with the amount of low bass extension with some songs. We have a glass cabinet in the corner of the room with the wifes ornaments in that shakes. The music doesn't have to be that loud for that to happen. I am concerned for the neighbours attached to us!!!!!

Is the Naim a bit more musical and lean on the bass than the Arcam Alpha 10?

How does the Naim sound present itself?

I will have to demo first, but have read a few places that the Nait 5i and RX6 are a good match.

My musical tastes are varied but mainly consists of house, a little garage, some rock and pop and the like

Advice gladly appreciated.
You might need to look at the room acoustics, and perhaps move the speakers away from corners/walls if possible. Add more soft furnishings and rugs if you have wooden floors.
Your problem isn't going to change if with different electronics. The problem is your speakers. Why not try some stand mount speakers which won't produce so much low end? The MA RX range is pretty well known for a fairly strong bass. I would thought that using the bunts would help a lot with that though.

You could pop some Blutack underneath the ornaments to stop them rattling....
sorry to ask a question within a thread but that naim5i i think is around £800 and i am keen to know how that sounds next to the alpha range granted the 10 is better than my 9 but be nice to know your thoughts.

have you tried putting some marbles on the floor close to speakers i did and mine went everywhere then i put kitchen tiles under each stand and its way better just a thought to isolate them off the floor may dampen dynamics a touch
love it i thought i didnt but then 2 weeks later the mrs said the henry was blocked and it was a drum stick,sock and 2 marbles causing the problem
smuggs:sorry to ask a question within a thread but that naim5i i think is around £800 and i am keen to know how that sounds next to the alpha range granted the 10 is better than my 9 but be nice to know your thoughts.
I haven't heard the Alpha 9 side by side with a 5i, but the Alpha 9 is a warmer sounding amp with a smoother edge than the Nait. The Nait is leaner and a little more lively, with a slightly more revealing midband. I think for many people it'd come down to speaker choice

thanks for the replies

The majority of the time its ok, however you'll just get some songs that tend you really draw out the real low frequencies and then you'll hear things shaking in the room. Songs such as Paloma Faith Upside Down, or some of Amy Winehouse's songs from back to black. Most house music I listen to interestingly is ok. Its just certain songs. Could it be poorly recorded bass, or the warmness of the Alpha is really dragging the bass?

Does that make sense?

In terms of changing to a Naim, would it be a sideways step or an upgrade?

I do have upgraditis at the moment.


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