Monitor Audio RS6 vs. others


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2008
It all started last week when I decided to take a look at my p60`s and discovered that I`m entitled for 800quid tax back for my first year in England.

Well, 800quid not bad I said, and decided to treat myself with something new.

Was looking at MA RS6, B&W 684, MEZZO 6, B&W CM7, so the search started.

Last night was brosing net looking at ex-demo stock and noticed MA RS6 so decided to email that company.

Got a call this morning stating that we`re very sorry they`re gone bla bla bla BUT because we didnt take advert off we can offer you brand new ones for 480inc delivery any colour I like. So I think that my search is over and I even have some money left to go for holiday

Since many RS6 owners here I need few advices:

Is my amp gonna give them good ride or should aim for something better or should consider bi-amping?

And since can`t see nice on pictures and managed to see only two in shops which colour you find them nicest?

Tnx in advance


Well-known member
Mar 11, 2005
I haven't heard the RS6 but are they THAT much better than the B&W's??? one the very simple formula of you get you pay for the £480 doesnt sound much of a jump upwards, personally I'd go on holiday and buy lots of CD's and beer!

<stands back and waits to be *corrected*


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2008
Well they retail at 650 at the moment + yes, they are better but we would probably have different view on HOW much.

And at this moment I`m trying to hear/own as many as possible in search of my sound and since never had floorstanders it`s time to go there and see how it is to live with them, not just hear them at shop for a couple of hours.

When it comes to cds it`s too late as I joined dark side and probably wont bother with cdp anymore.

beer= wine & spirits in my case


Well-known member
Mar 11, 2005
Well they retail at 650 at the moment + yes, they are better but we would probably have different view on HOW much.

And at this moment I`m trying to hear/own as many as possible in search of my sound and since never had floorstanders it`s time to go there and see how it is to live with them, not just hear them at shop for a couple of hours.

When it comes to cds it`s too late as I joined dark side and probably wont bother with cdp anymore.

beer= wine & spirits in my case

"beer" is a collective noun for alcoholic beverage, which would include both banks of the gironde of course...

If floorstanders are what ye seek, and presumably like the B&W sound then the 684s are very nice indeed, albeit a bit more money. To me ears they were significantly better than the 602 / 685's, and gave a pair of Excite X32's that were totally not run in a run for their money, though thats hardly a fair or easily repeatable comparison.


Great price and the amp will make them sound fantastic. Seriously, I have thrown lots of different speakers at that amp and never felt that it was lacking in finesse or power and furthermore MA and NAD gel together very well, so for system synergy it ticks that box also.


Their are alternitives at that price point, MS mezzo6 and Quad 22l for starters, dealers seem to doing rather a deal on quads at the moment ive been offerd the 22l for £600 by a few dealers although i feel the mezzos or the RS6 may be better suited in your definatly demo the mezzo's as found them more controlled then the RS6's...My opinion of course :)

Anyhow you need to demo (Think ive demo'd more speaker than the what hi fi team the last couple of weeks :)


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2008
Thanks for your input guys. I took the plunge and ordered them today, should be with me on thursday.

So, lets wait and see