Monitor Audio RS1


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Can any one tell me about these speakers? Because of where I live, auditioning is difficult so I want to get a short list together before I travel.

Thanks in advance
They are great speakers, There is a review here. I have had them for a while now with my system and I find them amazing for the music I listen to which really is a broad taste from old skool garage to indie, soul, classical. They really are very good speakers, build and finish quality is top notch aswell.

What amp and source are you using? I would listen before you buy tho as my taste may be different from yours.
Thanks for your reply. I'm using a Rega Brio 3 amp and Planet CD player. I have read reviews about the RS1's and I have to say they look to be ideal in terms of finish and sound but I'm confused. On the one hand the are described as have a grown up sound yet I've heard they can be bright.
You might want to audition the Dynaudio Audience 42s or 52s which can be found at good prices now. They'd be a good contrast to the MAs, having a more understated sound. I've heard them with a Rega Planet/Nait 5i combination and was impressed.
Do you think the Brio amp (49wpc) has enough power to drive them as they're only rated at 4 ohm? Am right in thinking they're quite big in the bass department?
There are a very detailed speaker so with some systems that are not matched well they can sound a bit bright i suppose plus they take a while to run in to calm down the top end. The cables you choose can calm this downn though but not a lot if they are not well matched to the amp + cd. I have listened to the rega brio a while back briefly and it sounded a great amp. I have not read anything on here about rega and MA not working well together, best to just demo them decide.
I auditioned the RS1s, and whilst I was impressed with the detail and punch, felt they lacked bottom-end for me - in the end I went for the RS6s, which had all the benefits of the 1s, but with much deeper and more solid bass...
The RS1s are quite a bright speaker, especially when compared to the Bronze or even Gold range. The Brio isn't the tamest of amps either. I'm not sure I'd recommend the pairing but I haven't heard the Brio. I flogged my RS1s in the end as their brightness drove me to distraction.
Ok thanks for the replies. I wouldn't say the Brio is especially bright but I think the upper midband frequencies are probably a little forward. I'm trying to get some idea of what speakers to audition. I wonder if I'd be better to got for a more neutral or even laid back sounding speaker but I don't really know where to start.
I have the RS1's paired with some Cyrus gear and I think it sounds great! Now many people think Cyrus/Monitor Audio pairings are too bright but I think the sound is excellent. They can be bright to start with but given a little running in they sort themselves out.

(I just bought some R90HD's and they too sounded a bit bright but after a couple of days running in sounded much better and the treble was not bright at all.)

As for the bass, I find that the RS1's with suitable stands and cables (I use Partington Dreadnoughts and Merlin cable) produce actually quite good bass. For the first time in a long time I no longer use a sub with my standmounters!!

However, I would add that a demo would be worth the effort even if it is difficult. If you buy something and finally get it delivered and fire it up you will certainly be kicking yourself if it doesn't blow you away. (Just ensure that if you do audition the MA speakers that the dealer has a pair that are run in!)
Thank you for your help. I certainly will give the RS1's a demo. I've heard enough good things about them so they're worth considering especially as I know they look pretty classy too.
I had the RS1 and sold them after a few months.They are too bright, not much bass and the bass can sound a bit loose. The main problem I think is that when you play complex music the speakers can't cope with it, the organisation is gone. The treble was so bright sometimes that it hurt my ears. You can do so much better than these speakers IMO. Try B&W, Focal, Canton, Epos........


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