Monitor Audio Bronze BR2 - any good?


New member
Aug 20, 2007
I am looking for an hi-fi system to go into a conservatory and was thinking of buying the Onkyo CS515 or CS715 and partnering it with the BR2's. I listen to all kinds of music and am looking for a deep base sound. As the speakers will end up against a wall or glass windows, will I get the sound I am looking for, or do the BR2's only work when they've got lots of space around them?

Any thoughts or alternative speakers to consider?


I've got a set of Monitor BR2's run off a NAD C350 and the bass digs very deep but only when the volume is turned up quite loud.

I listen to all sorts of music and they are superb for all of them but they don't quite have enough bite to fully satisfy when listening to Queens Of The Stone Age.

As they are front ported they are very easy to place in a room without too larger effect on the sound.

Hope this helps,



Yes , I have these in my cinema setup. The only issue i have and thats to get the bass to come out you have to have them Loud, !

I find this a pain , but apart from that wonderful sound and very nice for the money :)


Love these speakers - Warm, full figured , fruity - Cheryl Cole 34DD lol


Although my opinion differs, I heard these and thought they were pretty poor, compared to my own B&W DM601 S3s, B&W 685s and Quad 12L2s.

I know the last two are higher in price but as soon as the BR2s were put on, I instantly didn't like the sound. Not saying they arnt good, i'm saying that in my opinion the bass was flabby and boomy and there was a lack of sparke in the sound, just sounded dull.

One thing I don't know is if they were fully run in though... as that could explain the uncontrolled bass.

Just an extra opinion for you!


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2007
The BR2s are very talented speakers. I've had a pair of these and the original B2s. They give a big, meaty sound with ample levels of bass and good detail retrieval. The treble is well balanced and never becomes strident. However, they do suffer from a certain hollowness and greyness in the midrange that can leave vocals sounding a little lifeless and 'cupped' sounding. With more complex textures they can also become overly heavy sounding and syrupy. On the positive side driver integration is superb.

The Mordaunt-Short MS902is are rather better balanced budget standmounts, as are the Wharfedale Diamond 9.1s. These models give a greater sense of the space between instruments and allow vocals to breathe more naturally. The little Diamonds have a superb treble and midrange, although they don't produce as much bass as the MAs. What is there, however, is slightly more tuneful.

I personally didn't get on with the B&W 685s. I found them splashy at the top end, rather dull sounding overall, and even with Arcam electronics which I know are good at imaging, I felt that the soundstaging wasn't secure enough. To me, the Quad 11Ls are a much better balanced and more refined speaker with a very neutral and informative sound.

Speakers are the most personal of all components and, in the end, auditioning is the only way.


Again I agree with Matt regarding the BR2's but what I can say is they do sound much more exciting to listen to than the Wharfe's and the MS 902is so they are ideal with up tempo or heavy music.


They are good speakers. I have owned mine for just over 2 years and thoroughly enjoyed them but are going up on ebay only because i'm about to upgrade my whole system.


New member
Dec 16, 2003
I've had my BR2's for over a year and having experimented with their positioning found they work at their best right against a flat wall so I'm guessing placing them in front of widows wouldn't help.

Mine sit on Atacama Nexus 6 stands and after trying blu-tack found Atacama's own gel pads work far better


I am happy with mine. Looked at others including the BW685s but thought the BR2's were the best of the bunch. I think you would be looking ata a substantial increase in budget to get better.'s your ears, get whats best for you.


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