The BR2s are very talented speakers. I've had a pair of these and the original B2s. They give a big, meaty sound with ample levels of bass and good detail retrieval. The treble is well balanced and never becomes strident. However, they do suffer from a certain hollowness and greyness in the midrange that can leave vocals sounding a little lifeless and 'cupped' sounding. With more complex textures they can also become overly heavy sounding and syrupy. On the positive side driver integration is superb.
The Mordaunt-Short MS902is are rather better balanced budget standmounts, as are the Wharfedale Diamond 9.1s. These models give a greater sense of the space between instruments and allow vocals to breathe more naturally. The little Diamonds have a superb treble and midrange, although they don't produce as much bass as the MAs. What is there, however, is slightly more tuneful.
I personally didn't get on with the B&W 685s. I found them splashy at the top end, rather dull sounding overall, and even with Arcam electronics which I know are good at imaging, I felt that the soundstaging wasn't secure enough. To me, the Quad 11Ls are a much better balanced and more refined speaker with a very neutral and informative sound.
Speakers are the most personal of all components and, in the end, auditioning is the only way.