Mojo or Irdac2

Of the two I found the Mojo to be better sound quality wise for my tastes, well versus an irdac one anyway. The Irdac was warmer sounding and less neutral, but it does have more inputs.

Ultimately however I would say buy neither, and that's from someone who went through a dac phase and who can hear improvements with them provided the system is good enough. Speakers first, and then amps, that's where you'll really hear your money. A good dac can be the fine tuning of a great system, but not the making of one.

The money for either of these has you half way to very decent speaker options that'll significantly improve sound quality more than dacs. Put your cash in a hifi piggy bank.
manicm said:
Mojo is designed really only for mobile use. Irdac is more trad hifi, WHF doesn't rate MK2 as highly though.

Ya, whf rates the mojo better, but from a read around I think the irdac would perform admirably also, I'm stuck between convenience/portabilty and features, but mostly want (don't probably need) a headphone amp/preamp that can also drive actives
ChrisIRL said:
Of the two I found the Mojo to be better sound quality wise for my tastes, well versus an irdac one anyway. The Irdac was warmer sounding and less neutral, but it does have more inputs.

Ultimately however I would say buy neither, and that's from someone who went through a dac phase and who can hear improvements with them provided the system is good enough. Speakers first, and then amps, that's where you'll really hear your money. A good dac can be the fine tuning of a great system, but not the making of one.

The money for either of these has you half way to very decent speaker options that'll significantly improve sound quality more than dacs. Put your cash in a hifi piggy bank.

My hifi actually is pretty much complete (did I say that, it cant be true). I have a few set ups actually and the dacs are fine, this is more of a luxury headphone amp that I could plug into actives once in while. I agree with a lot of your points though, speakers and amps do seem to be the major upgrade sound wise
I borrowed the irdac2 from a mate but own a mojo. Both are a step up from my previous DAC but are different. It will come down to personal taste. My opinion was that the irdac2 was accurate and, for me, more clinical. The Mojo seemed to fill out the sound more and was closer to analogue sound. I enjoyed both, but for different reasons, and picked the Mojo because it got my feet tapping more. Neither is a bad choice though.
I listened to those DACs in different shops which had completely different layouts, playing different music, so I couldn't tell which is better (if any of them is better).

I own a Mytek Stereo96 DAC which is excellent and has a good headphone output. You can obviously drive your active monitors with the Mytek, but it only has XLR outputs.

Sorry, I know I haven't answered your question muljao, but it was hard not to mention this DAC when I have it on my desk some inches away from me 🙂
What about a high quality digital audio player instead which can function as a media player, headphone amp, streamer (Bluetooth and wireless), line out source for actives etc. I believe there are a few options in the market.
muljao said:
insider9 said:
New or used?

New definetely
I thought you'd say that. If that was me I'd suggest ordering Mojo from Amazon Warehouse at £60 discount. You get one year warranty and can send it back if you don't like it.

I would however go with Bluesound Node 2 if I was buying myself. You only get one digital input thought.
Thanks for all the suggestions. My ain was to use it for headphones mostly, and be able to drive actives, so to that end I do suppose the irdac is not going to be as portable due the power supply.

The more I look at these things the more I think that maybe a Dragonfly is a better option


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