Modding a CDP


New member
Apr 18, 2010
Hi, Thinking about modifying my Marantz CD52MKII. Someone has suggested removing the muting transistors.

Is this easy for a novice to do and what difference would it make to the sound quality?


The different will be there, and not just that annoying loud click noise when you turn on and off. It has been many years since I played with Marantz cd player but certainly remember the improvement when the muting transister were removed. Crystal clock also do work wonder, have fun modding
Modding Marantz CD players is an absolute revelation, but once you start it becomes addictive to go further with them. Unless you hear it for yourself, you won't believe what these machines are capable of with a few hours of work.

The muting transistors are an easy one for a novice. You don't need a soldering iron, you can just snip the legs of the transistors. You can also safely snip out the output coupling capacitors which will also make a difference. Just make sure you snip the right components. There are some quite nicely written guides on doing this on the net.
Make sure you snip in the right could be snipping off a safety feature which prevents electric shock or worst.

....You can also safely snip out the output coupling capacitors.....

Err, if the CDP generates any DC offset (which the output caps filter out), it'll be passed onto to your amp which may/will amplify it to speaker busting levels. Usually commercial amps have input caps or DC servos to deal with DC offset on their inputs or have speaker protection circuits which mute the speakers when DC offset is detected.

You need to ensure your amp deals with DC offset or confirm the DC offset on the output of your CDP is adequately low without the caps. If you are using the latter approach, you need to keep on checking on a regular basis as the offset can shift over time, with temperature, etc.
That's one more to add to the useful threads list PJ...


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