Mainblock and maincables suggestions?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
So I'm looking into this right now.

In Holland it's too bad we don't have cheap and effective mainblocks like the Tacima or Lindy. So i'm looking at the following mainblocks.

-Oehlbach powersocket 404

-Supra MD06 SP (although got a little bit scared because of the Whathifi's review)

-ISOTEK Sirius (I think it's expensive though)

-Monster Powercenter HTS1000 (Not sure if it's good because I can't find many reviews on monster products at all)

Anyone has any experience with any of the models and/or brand listed above? Other recommendations are welcome ofcourse!

I am a fan of the Russ Andrews stuff.

Previously had an Isotek Sigmas, but though it sucked the life and musicality out, even if it did open up the soundstage and remove background mush/noise well - so got the UltraPurifier Block and Signature Powerkord instead ....... far more musically satisfying. They do some cheaper options too - some of which are on e-bay at the moment I think.
dont think russ andrews stuff is available in holland

you might be better off running your hifi on a different spur from the mains unit if its minimising mains noise your after
RA do Euro plugs and stuff on their powerkords etc I think, so although I don't know what Holland use - it is possible !
I had very good results in sound performance with the WireWorld mains block and their mains cables.

And i tried many before i stumbled on this.

It's not dirty cheap but you can pay loads more for less performance.
I'm thinking of trying the wireworld stratus, is the aurora that much better? Stratus costs almost half the price.
SlickenSmooth:I'm thinking of trying the wireworld stratus, is the aurora that much better? Stratus costs almost half the price.

The Stratus is as good, allthough i had a little bit more sparkle with the Aurora on my amp that i missed when i switched back to the Stratus. I tried an Electra bronze to and there was a bit more emphasis and air in the highs with that one compared to the Aurora. But in my system i would still prefer the Aurora for it's good sound overall. But it's defenitly not wrong to go for the stratus when you don't want to spend to much. If you need more then one main cable, maybe then buy one Aurora and the rest of the components with Stratus. Then see what component benefits the most.

I had Kemp to try out to and it was a small change, i found it a little more life and depth in the sound but not that much improvement in comparison witch i had with WireWorlds.

If you decide to buy only one of their cables it could also be worthwhile to feed the power block (if the cable can be changed from it) so al of your components can benefit from one good cable. But i wouldn't put those thin standard mains cables that comes free with any component you buy into your mains block then. If you still have some nice cables around it could be a possibility. Before you ask, i tried this to and still made a difference.
I start with buying a Aurora for the mainblock then, see if it makes a big difference! What mainblock do you RCduck? Thanks for your replies.
SlickenSmooth:I start with buying a Aurora for the mainblock then, see if it makes a big difference! What mainblock do you RCduck? Thanks for your replies.

I use the Xindak XF 2000ES which has filtering, it was remarkable that the cable before filtering took place made a difference especially bass heavy music became tighter and fluent.

But i'm not sure i will hold on to the Xindak, rightnow i'm looking at other ways for my mains supply with isolation transformers and power blocks and such. In a quest to eliminate hum going from the amp to the source. I could measure the noise with a Kemp noise dedector, it gave me good insight on how to toackle things.

If you want a simple powerblock without heavy filtering the matrix should do fine.

Since yesterday i also came across this relatively inexpensive BADA lb-5600 power block with filter. Since i read a few good comments about it in comparson with other more expensive stuff i might try it. You can find these on Ebay.

A comment about it i found...

Hi guys, I just wanted to share an interesting finding with you.

I have already pointed out in my review that the DAC-19MK3 is sensitive to the power cords being used, but at the time I didn't do much experementing with power treatment. All my tests were done with the Supra Mains Multiplier and the Essential Audio Tools Noise Filter (a parallel filter). My previous attempts to use passive mains filters (Belkin Pureav, ...) were never successful with audio-gd gear. I always felt that even the cheapest (non-filtered) mains multipliers worked better than those "average" filters/power surges protectors.

However, about 2 weeks ago, I bought a BADA LB-5600 power plant filter to experiment (and because my system was sounding too "hot" with my all silver cabling).
The sound was an improvement in many areas mainly dynamics (yes, it was surprisingly better than my non-filtered supra) and the sound was sweeter and more coherent. The DAC-19mk3 (with mode B) never sounded so sweet and analog.
However, there was a definite drawback in depth of the soundstage. The soundstage depth collapsed while the width remained as large as before.
I changed power cords between the filter and the wall socket, but the sound remained flat compared to the soundstage I was having with the Supra. It was very disturbing and annoying until I remembered that I removed the Essential Audio Tools Noise Filter and put it in my audio video system powerbar. When I put it in a socket of te BADA filter, the soundstage depth came back and to a lesser extent I noticed an improvement in Bass "slam". While there was no tonal change, everything seemed to flow easier.

Well, this has thaught me 2 things : First, I should have listened to Kingwa earlier when he said (in an email exchange) that the dac-19mk3 could benefit from power filtration. Second, assumptions are never good in this hobby, I tought that since I was using a Power filter (bada LB-5600), the effect of the Noise Eater would be minimal. Curiously, it seems to have affected the soundstage even more than what I experienced with the unfiltered supra mains multiplier.

Has anyone else experimented with powerline treatment with the dac-19mk3 ?


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