LG Wallpaper TVs Have Started to Hit the Shelves (Walls?) Here


New member
Jan 16, 2013
BestBuy has the 65 and 77 inchers listed, no prices yet. but I believe $15K and $20K respectively.

Seems each of them needs the soundbar to work,which basically means they've put all the gubbins except the monitor in a separate box, connected by a ribbon cable. Not what I think people were hoping for, which is basically just a screen with a couple of HDMIs and a low voltage power cord to hide in the wall.

Oh well, one day, one day...
John lewis here in the uk have been selling it for a while now but they don't have any on display, not sure about currys they've been selling it for a while but i don't know if they have any on display.
simonlewis said:
John lewis here in the uk have been selling it for a while now but they don't have any on display, not sure about currys they've been selling it for a while but i don't know if they have any on display.

always seems to be out of stock on the John Lewis website whenever I check
Normal non OLED 85 inch UHD HDR TVs are down to $5k here now.

Wont be long, I'm sure, before 100 inchers are available under $10k, probably arou d Thanksgiving, certainly by Superbowl 2018...
PS GCSE (or O-level for those reading in black and white) geometry says if the TV aspect ratio is 16:9, then the picture width is about 0.871 times the quoted (diagonal) screen size. The height is about 0.490 times quoted size.

I have about 8 to 8 1/2 feet clear between my in wall speakers so I'm able to accomodate a 16:9 TV up to (8 x 12)/0.871 = 110 inches or so allowing for the edge around the screen.

Off to the gas station for a lottery ticket now...


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