L C D Debate

I nipped over to my brother-in-laws tonight, he's bought a new Sharp 37" LCD. On the initial showing it was quite impressive, and it has all the 'bells and whistles.'

After about 5 minutes I noticed, compared to my Sony 28" CRT IDTV, the blacks were not convincing, and any fast motion images was decidedly iffy. In addition, the detail levels wasn't as good as aspected [although I'm not sure what I was expecting to see].

With "all mod cons" aside is there any real advantages over a creaky CRT?


I have a Loewe Acconda 32 CRT on long term loan in my girlfriends flat (mainly because I can't bear to sell it). It will be getting set up in my sprare room once I finish decorating. As far as I'm concerned it blows away any LCD/Plasma screen I have seen yet. I have a 46" Sony LCD in my living room mainly because it looks nice and it's big. As far as picture quality goes it's CRT all the way IMHO.


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Jan 18, 2008
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I just replaced my large, 5 year old sony wega trinitron with a new plasma. There really is no comparison. I certainly would not go back.



Hello I had a lovely Loewe Acconda 32 CRT and after looking at LCD and plasma screens i choose a plasma screen. I went for the Panasonic TH-42PX60 and found the image was as good as the Acconda CRT. I am now about to replace my older PX60 plasma with a full HD Panasonic TH42PZ800 or TH42PZ85 model.I have seen and not been very happy with any LCD screen yet to replace my plasma. And even the very good Sony 4500 does not look as good with blacks like the PZ800/PZ85.

If Pioneer had a new full HD 42" plasma then i would get it but as they don't yet and I have heard its not out until Summer 09 I will go for the Panasonic.

All I need to do now is to see how much better the lovely PZ800 is over the PZ85.


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Jan 12, 2008
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Hey Jackandy,

I'm in the same place as you; disappointed that there's no 42" Kuro; PZ800 or PZ85 and is the extra expenditure justified etc etc.

I'm erring toward the PZ800 because of the better sound quality as my foray into Home Cinema will be a gradual thing and I won't be adding av receiver/5.1 surround sound straight away. I'd be interested to hear which TV you decide to go for and your thoughts on picture quality etc once you get it set up.


Hi Again

Its good to hear that you think same as me over the Pioneer and the Panasoinc's.

I find it dull how Pioneer are holding back on the 42" model.Or even a 46" one as I can just about get a 46" screen into my place. But as the PZ800 does not come in a 46" model I am happy to keep to a 42" one.

I have seen the PZ800 with blu ray and sky HD on and it looks great just outstanding. It is also one sheet of glass which makes it look like heaven. I don't have to worry about the cost of the plasma so for me its only on image on the screen and not the sound. I understand how you taking the slower path to getting a A/V amp etc.

The PZ85 looks very good too but I have yet to give it the full test like i have with the PZ800. And the PZ85 is not a looker too. If the Pioneer is the Astin Martin DBS of the plasma's then the PZ800 is the DB9 and the PZ85 is the Audi TT... lol

Good luck and keep me and this site upto date with your plans... its good to talk.


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Jan 12, 2008
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I agree that the PZ800 is the better looking model out of the two Panasonics, the single sheet of glass alone does it for me and has virtually made up my mind. If we're talking aesthetics, I'm not keen on the silver plastic detail along the bottom edge but it's a minor niggle that I'm sure I can live with.

I'm probably going to buy in January if there are any sales bargains to be had and VAT is reduced to 15% as is being widely predicted. See there's another justification, doing my bit to kick start the economy by buying us out of recession.

I'm quite looking forward to be able to contribute to threads on these forums extolling the virtues of a nice shiny plasma telly.


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