Kef T series


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Thinking about decorating my living room and also a speaker upgrade.

The slim profile of the Kef t-series has caught my eye however before I try to arrange a demo I was just wondering if someone could answer some of my questions:

I currently have Wharfdale 10.3 and 10.0 for my setup. Would I be upgrading or comprimising the sound due to the slimer profile?

Space is a concern but not a deciding factor, would I be better off spending £1200 on another setup?

Are the speakers any good with bass and is the sub that comes with it any good, or am I going to need to a buy a kick ass sub to compensate?

The stands that are available are they any good or are they flimsy?

Has anyone got any pics of these in a real life setup as opposed to the concept home that kef has them set up in?

Anima999 said:
Thinking about decorating my living room and also a speaker upgrade.

The slim profile of the Kef t-series has caught my eye however before I try to arrange a demo I was just wondering if someone could answer some of my questions:

I currently have Wharfdale 10.3 and 10.0 for my setup. Would I be upgrading or comprimising the sound due to the slimer profile?

Space is a concern but not a deciding factor, would I be better off spending £1200 on another setup?

Are the speakers any good with bass and is the sub that comes with it any good, or am I going to need to a buy a kick ass sub to compensate?

The stands that are available are they any good or are they flimsy?

Has anyone got any pics of these in a real life setup as opposed to the concept home that kef has them set up in?


I've been lucky enough to get a dem of the new Q series and also the T series as surround speakers at KEF.

Also I shall be quizzing/pursuing just how god the T series is as it's clear that they must have huge appeal as a more discreet (flat panel) speaker, and I think they are pretty cool if they work as described my our champions at WHF

Hoping to post my thoughts on Tuesday evening after the session

So, as they say, watch this space!!
I was impressed at the T series after lisgening to them at the Bristol show!! they used an Onkyo £350 amp and played the small T series and the large in 5.1 & 7.1 using one sub. I was impressed at both but you should demo yourself first.
fayeanddavid said:
Looking forward to it, KEF are using an Onkyo 608 for the dem, so should be fun
probably same amp they used at the show, the room was prob 7m x 7m and it did fill the room.
I heard the T series on a Yamaha RXV1067 and they sounded excellent, the complete range was good and the top end was dynamic and precise. I went for the Apex in the end which had a little more detail and mid range. Not sure how they sound against the wharfedales, but for a sub sat system and for the size they where great.
I'm thinking Q550/200C with the bigger T series as surrounds??

But in the right place to ring the changes I guess??

Q500 that is oops.
I looked at the KEF as they are very stylish [although the stands are a bit bland] and was initially impressed, they were a bit brightish but sounded very nice. I also demoed the MA Apex setup and as much as I liked the KEF, the MA Apex had a lot more presence and bottom end.

They sounded much richer and had more presence than the T-Series. [A bit bulkier than I expected but they soon shrunk visually].

Obviously a big price difference and I sometimes wish I hadn't heard the Apex's as they are what I am now aiming to get but if I had the KEF T-Series I'm sure I'd still be very happy with them

I agree totally with mactser's comments, in fact I could have wrote that line for line!


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