A admin_exported New member Aug 10, 2019 2,556 4 0 Visit site Nov 4, 2007 #1 Is it worth coughing up for good interconnects for a sky+ box? Is the output of any decent enough quality to warrant high quality interconnects?
Is it worth coughing up for good interconnects for a sky+ box? Is the output of any decent enough quality to warrant high quality interconnects?
A Andrew Everard New member May 30, 2007 1,878 2 0 Visit site Nov 5, 2007 #2 Really depends on what's on the other end of the cables: AV receiver? Top-quality TV? Or just an old set with only a Scart input?
Really depends on what's on the other end of the cables: AV receiver? Top-quality TV? Or just an old set with only a Scart input?