Me and a mate decided to do a blind test on various interconnects and mains cables. The interconnects were hooked up in parallel so we could easily switch between them for comparison. We did blind testing of 4 different interconnects Van Den Hul D102 III (£125) , VDH First Ultimate (£225), Chord Chorus 2 (£250)and Russ Andrews Crystal H (£280). - We found no difference whatsoever between the VDH and Chord cables. The Russ Andrews has a harsh top end. - CONCLUSION 1 – for a £2-£3000 system spend about £125 a decent interconnects and leave it there. I had the Chord interconnects on demo (brand new). Despite being used continuously for 7 days there was no difference in sound. - CONCLUSION 2 – burn-in with interconnects is a myth. It does not make any difference. We then compared mains leads – cheapo kettle cable, Russ Andrews and Clearer Audio. There was a marked improvement with the branded cables – Clearer Audio being the better of the two. This was the biggest surprise in the whole of the test. Burn in with these cables does make a difference – they improve with use. - Never thought that spending money on mains cables would make any difference. - CONCLUSION 3 – don’t waste money buying expensive interconnects. Put your scepticism to one side and try a mains cable upgrade. - These were blind tests – we did not try to convince ourselves that we had spent the money so they must sound better.