I watched a Brian Eno documentary edited in real-time, so every version is unique – is this the future of movies?


Jan 2, 2025
Thank you, Mr. Ford, excellent review of the varied technologies of generative entertainment inspired by the Eno documentary. There was one additional randomized floppy-single-vinyl recording from Mad Magazine called "Super Spectacular Day" that had, IIRC, six different songs that all started the same, describing a wonderful day, then changing halfway through to describe how the day went all wrong in the different versions.

I saw the Chicago premiere of Eno and am looking forward to (some of) the 24-hour event this month.

Jez Ford

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2020
Cheers Ikester8, appreciate the feedback - I'll be putting the Mad single on my collection list! (And I used to share an office with Australian Mad, darn it...) Yes, 24 hours of Eno here we come! It looks like if you sign up for the site's subscription for a month, you could enjoy it at half price... just sayin'...

John AH

Jan 4, 2025
As a long-term Eno fan back to the Roxy Music days, I'm equally interested in his activities. I think my favourite remains the Generative music software he made that in theory produced ever changing music, but didn't age well. Netflix tried the concept of different endings but it didn't catch on and only Black Mirror: Bandersnatch remains. People also attempted multiple endings using hypertext based Hyperdrama, which died a death. The reason? Writing is hard and coming up with compelling stories even harder. AI can churn it out but there's no wit, imagination or hours in the day to waste on it. Unfortunately the 24th coincides with a concert of Mahler, Vaughan Williams and Kaija Saariaho’s final work Hush. Think I'll prefer one original that day.


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