!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!


New member
Feb 6, 2015
hello just wanted to no if anyone can help im wanting to buy a new turntable and all the bits i need such as speakers and amp and what not

but my knoledge is pretty poor on what i need is there anyone outthere who can just give me a heads up on a full setup please im looking at spending about £400 £500 ish im looking for a half decent tuentable non belt driven and half decent speakers and ampthanks peter
Second hand Technics SL-1210 used in domestic conditions fits that budget and description.
There are quite a few SL1210s on ebay. I have had MK3s and still have a pair of MK5s that I used for DJing and use one of the pair for TT duties. They are a very robust TT and they do hold their second hand value. I would avoid any that have after market add ons.


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