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Aug 10, 2019
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I am new to the home cinema world can any body help me i have recently ordered a full home cinema system i was going to plug for the denon 1910 receiver but the guy at sevenoaks recommended the marantz 1501 because i want to play a lot of music he said the marantz would do a better job but im unsure as the denon has a higher spec can anyone give me advice on whats the better system.


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May 21, 2008
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I'm not sure about these specific amps, but I use a Marantz AV amp, and can vouch that they are very good with music and films / TV. I listen to my music via the amp and find it very good.

What are the spec differences? Marantz do tend to leave out some bells and whistles to focus on sound quality which is no bad thing.

Clare Newsome

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Jun 4, 2007
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I am new to the home cinema world can any body help me i have recently ordered a full home cinema system i was going to plug for the denon 1910 receiver but the guy at sevenoaks recommended the marantz 1501 because i want to play a lot of music he said the marantz would do a better job but im unsure as the denon has a higher spec can anyone give me advice on whats the better system.

Marantz AV kit is typically more musical than its sister-company Denon's products at the same money, but then the Denon kit typically performs better with movies. All depends what you're going to want your new receiver to do more of.

What's the rest of your set-up?


Hi clare thanx for your reply i have ordered the q acoustics speakers and sony sd360 blue ray. When i was looking at the spek the denon does slightly more as youve said with movies it has upscaling to 1080p and supports the dolby pro logix ii. Will these specs make any difference i know nothing.


nicko1966:Hi clare thanx for your reply i have ordered the q acoustics speakers and sony sd360 blue ray. When i was looking at the spek the denon does slightly more as youve said with movies it has upscaling to 1080p and supports the dolby pro logix ii. Will these specs make any difference i know nothing.


Can anyone help me i have recently ordered the marantz nr1501 receiver because the guy at sevenoaks said he would recommend it more for playing music. My original choice was the denon 1910 i am now wanting to change back to the denon because when i compare the specs the denon does more like 1080p upscalling and dolby pro logix iiz etc will this make any difference. My problem also being i dont think the guy at the shop is happy for me to change as he has ordered the marantz. please give me some advice im desperate.


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Jun 30, 2008
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I take it you have not demoed both of these amps and are buying blind.I would go for the Denon purely because it's so popular, and gets very good reviews. Marantz are better than some for music, but really only with their higher end av amps, now Yamaha are very good for music as well through all their models, but never a subsitute for a decent stero amp.As for all the extras with upscaling dosen't really matter your tv should do that job and Dolby pro Logix ii adds two extra speakers to the front, not really needed for normal hc setup stick to the Denon you will overjoyed with it.


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