Help with difficult room


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I have dining room leading onto an open conservatory. dining room 12ft by 11ft and coservatory same again.

I want to place a sound system in the conservatory but am worried about the sound. Is it big or small speakers I need etc etc, is it worth spending a decent amount? or will it sound crap regardless?
Could be tricky with reflections - what kind of flooring (wood? tiles?) does the dining room have? And the conservatory?

And is the sound system just to fill the conservatory and to filter out into the dining room? (Eg to listen to in conservatory but also as background listening in DR?)
I think your best bet would be to buy a pair of mid/small sized bookshelf speakers and put them on speaker brackets at high level/corners. I wouldnt say you would get to much boom unless you go for a big pair of floorstanders...

I have a difficult room too, with my dining room leading into my living room,via some french doors. My problem is i have giagantic chimney breasts in each room / radiators opposite...equal's no "flat" wall's to play with! lol.
Thanks so far both of you.

The floor is solid wood all the way through and the listening area would only be required in the conservatory. I wont get away with anything high up unfortunatley and boom is definatley the concern.

Am I best ti just go for an ipod dock or a Sonos. and indeed would the sonosS5 be as good as the Arcam cube?