Help Needed: Can I connect my system to a PC?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi I am looking at buying the Sony SS-F6000 4 Way Floor Standing Speakers and I want to hook them up to my PC. I only have a budget of £200, and the speakers are going to cost £120. So I need to look at a cheap amp, any good suggestions?

Also I am an absolute noob at this so how easy is to connect the system to a PC ?

Thanks in advance.
At its simplest, provided your PC has either a headphone socket or a pair of audio out sockets, you can connect it to any hi-fi amplifier using a standard analogue cable.

As for an amp, something like this would do very nicely...
Thank you for the quick reply.

With the amp you suggested, will I be able to use the Sony speakers to their maximum, or would you suggest spending a bit more to get a better quality amp. Or is the amp you suggested adequate for most speakers? Although I don't want to spend to much on an amp, I don't just want to buy the cheapest option at the cost of not being able to get the most out of my speakers


Up to you - I wouldn't spend more than about the same as the speakers 2nd hand for those Sonys, but that can get you a lot of amp - there's a Rotel RA01 on ebay for £110 buy it now, and that is a cracking amp.

I would try the Cambridge first, as it's a reasonable starter amp at a very good price - a colleague recently sold his on eBay for £45, so if you don't like it, you won't lose anything by selling it!

For a cheap but good quality speaker cable to go with it, I can recommend the cable I use - Fisual Pearl 2.5mm for £1.80 a metre.

Oh, and all you need from the PC is a 3.5mm to Phono(RCA) cable. Available from anywhere, including places like B&Q for less than a fiver.

Hope this helps...
Reading some of the reviews of the amp Andrew suggested, it seems very good for cheap decent audio.

However, I am looking to get a very crisp and clear sound from my speakers, with the possibilty to go to very loud and bassy volumes. I play a lot of bassy dance music, like drum and bass, dubstep etc.

Would this amp do the speakers and this kind of music justice?

Any other suggestions for amps under £100. I know I wanted a cheap option, but I would prefer to pay more for quality than buy cheap and be underwhelmed.
If you want crisp and clear, for me Rotel is where it is at. I've got an old RA-820 that I use in a 2nd system with a pair of £30 Mordaunt Short MS25i's and even that (at 20w per channel) gives an excellent sound.
Thanks for the reply fatboyslimfast

I didn't realise I would have to buy speaker cables separately lol so thanks for that.

The thing that worries me about a 'reasonable starter amp' is that it implies that it will be competent enough for a casual music listener, whereas I intend to use these on a very regular basis and will want to get the most out of my Sony's and from reading a few reviews it seems that wouldn't be possible.
My dad has an old NAD 3020 amp but we're not sure if it's working or not. If it was working, would this compare to the Rotel you mentioned on ebay. Also I couldn't find that Rotel on ebay, do you think you can link me?
I'm not personally a fan of the A-series of Cambridge amps, but others are and I have friends who really like their A1s and A5s.

It does have a good amount of "oomph" so I really would give it a go first before spending 3 times the amount on a Rotel - if you like the sound, as many do, you are quids in!

EDIT - just seen your other post. If the 3020 is working, then I'd go for that first. I reckon if it's in good nick it will see off the Cambridge, but I still think the olders Rotels have the edge for my tastes, and the newer ones (like the RA01) will see it off easily.


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