having recently upgraded to my current (see sig) hifi, coming from something significantly less able I've been suprised at how some music really benefits from the extra fidelity... and some doesn't.
I think it comes down to how it's recorded and more significantly, how much compression is used before it is put on a CD. Ever heard a track fading out and the background hiss gets mysteriously louder? that be compression.
Well anyway, I was really quite suprised just how awesome the listening experience was when I put 'wave of mutilation' by the pixies back on. Wow. You want to look to the finer poitns of you hifi then I definately reccomend this album. It's great music too. If you don't know the pixies.. with an album name like that, no it isn't death metal
If you want to give your bass a workout... well. I found that the true test, in my mind, is the last track on 'fallout' by Front Line Assembly. It's called Unconscious and it will rock your socks off with its subsonic bass, ther eis plenty else along with it though. Never forget, it's not just how well your system can belt out a basss note, it's how much the system straining to reproduce that bass note screws up the rest of the audio response. Homogenic by Bj0rk has a great first track for bass... and really the whole album is good for showing off your hifi.
To be honest, I was somewhat disappointed at how much my favourite band, nine inch nails, was largely unimproved by the better stereo. Yeah it was better... hell maybe I've listened to it so many times there isn't anything new to hear hehe.