
Yet another documentary on WWII where the Brits have now been erased from the programme...and the war in general.. The Ghost Army was officially known as 23rd Headquarters Special Troops. The 23rd, according to the programme, were the brains behind deception.

Wrong. As I research unorthodox aspects of WWII, the truth was the whole deception plan was conceived during the Battle of Britain, with help from Bletchley Park, Col. Turner's Dept. set-up fake airfields around the country.

Then add Operation Mincemeat, Fortitutde South and North, 617 Dambuster Squadron was also involved with deception... all this included personnel such as Ian Fleming.

What the Yanks were referring to was FUSAG (First US Army Group), set-up in Kent. All the inflatable tanks were produced by Dunlop: They were producing 50 each week, leading up to D-Day. To make the FUSAG camp more believable, Col. Turner's dept., with the help of captured double agents, were diverting all the radio traffic from across Britain via FUSAG.

Although not new ( The Brits were erased by the film 'Objective, Burma' made in the late 40s), it seems the only thing we're omitted is the Battle of Britain. The Americans tried to achieve that about 10-years ago: They had plans to remake the BoB with Tom Cruise as the main character. What they didn't want to admit to was the true life character, played by the wonder gnome, was shot down in the first week of operations, and although survived, he never flew again during the BoB.

This bloody annoys me!!


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Jun 2, 2008
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Let it go PP.

Relax, it's not your responsibility to carry the torch for historical accuracy in all portrayals of WW2 events. (Even if that were always possible, which it's not.)
I know, I shouldn't make it my business. Given all our families went thru five and half years of hell with rationing, bombing, blackouts, lack penicilin and other essential medicines, while the Americans had no bombs dropped, no rationing and no hardships.

The story of the 23rd I don't have an issue with. My problem is they conveniently omit British involvement. We were the inventors, developers and ingenuity behind the whole deception plan.

Our grandchildren will grow up believing the Brits were nothing more than bystanders.

Perhaps a Brit-led film company should remake the Battle of Midway, with Spitfires and Hurricanes, flown by RAF personnel. That would stick in the US craw.


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