Getting the best from my i pod at home


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I have a cd player integrated amp power amp tuner and some fine speakers also an i pod but no dock oh yes and an imac.How would i best utilize the above to get a decent sound from the pod. many thanks
Don't go for decent...go for GREAT: Wadia's itransport is your best bet. Rip your cd to lossless, plug it into your cd-player's dac...and well, we don't know yet. But theoretically, for 350, it should match or surpass the quality of sound you have now.
My heart is in hifi separates and where most of my money goes but have a hell of a lot of downloaded music on my imac and pod and currently play it just through the imac which is ok but could be so much better,budget aint great as new speakers Cd player and power amp have seen to that but spend to much time at the computer always with music playing and would like to get more from it,would a beresford dac help me out at all,read good things about it,whilst a seasoned mac user still feel an imbecile when upgrading sound.
Many thanks
[quote user="blackcabmal"]My heart is in hifi separates and where most of my money goes but have a hell of a lot of downloaded music on my imac and pod and currently play it just through the imac which is ok but could be so much better,budget aint great as new speakers Cd player and power amp have seen to that but spend to much time at the computer always with music playing and would like to get more from it,would a beresford dac help me out at all,read good things about it,whilst a seasoned mac user still feel an imbecile when upgrading sound. Many thanks[/quote]Yes, an external dac would definately help. The Imac has a headphone out which doubles as an optical digital out. Connect a suitable optical cable from your Imac to your cd-players dac or the beresford or an edirol ua25, I'm just giving you a choice selection....What you definatily need is an digtal optical cable like this one Take notice of the 3.5 mm jack plug on one end-you'll need this to connect digitally to your imac!
Can I add again that very few CD players have a digital in - the higher end Cambridge players are one exception, so I'd go for the beresfor or similar if you don't happen to have one of those.
[quote user="JohnDuncan"]Can I add again that very few CD players have a digital in - the higher end Cambridge players are one exception, so I'd go for the beresfor or similar if you don't happen to have one of those.[/quote]Fair enough. But it's worth it to check your cd-player for it anyway.
The iPod can sound good if implemented correctly. I put an old Nano full of uncompressed tracks via a line out up against an Arcam FMJ player - no sweat.

The Wadia transport thing isn't worth it really if you think slightly out of the box...
If you have music on your iPod I'd assume those same tracks are also on the computer - therefore you simply take a digital output from the computer, or you get something like an Apple TV, Apple Airport Express, Squeezebox, or Sonos, which will get those tracks via a network and output digitally. All of which are cheaper and have good interfaces you can navigate from the sofa!


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