Front ported partner for RA-01 (£250 max)


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all.

I am in need of a front ported (as the speakers will be wall mounted) set of speakers for my Rotel RA-01 amplifier. I do like the B&W 685s but at my age (16) I cannot justify spending £370 on speakers. I have also become aware that they may well be a bit overkill for the amp.

What else would you folk reccomend? have a sevenoaks and richersounds locally so can demo anything in stock at either of those.

I'm tempted by older 601s but I've heard they are rather bright, and that isn't really something I'd like....


Depending on if you've got the room. Go on eBay and pick up a pair of B&W 602 S3's. I've had mine for a few years and there as brilliant now as when I first bought them brand-new. I also used to use them with the RA-01 and they worked fine. I've since added two RB-03 power amps to help with the control at high volumes!! Don't forget decent stands for them though!
Thanks all, but to the above, you didn't read my first post, I've got to wall mount them, so stands are not helpful.
Yeah, I would agree with the BR2s going nicely with this amp, and you can pick them up for as little as £150, although they are not the smallest speakers so wall mounting them could be an issue for you.
I'd agree with the BR2's as well.

If you can get the B&W 601 S3's for less than £150-£200 then they would be a good fit. Theyre not bright at all and will suit the Rotel amp very well. Theyve good clean, deep bass, well timed mid and sweet treble. They love to be rocked as well and will go louder then the BR2's with the same refinement.


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