Eltax Liberty Floorstanders


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Mar 3, 2013
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I’ve just seem a pair of Eltax floor standers in a local house clearance shop. I think they were Liberty 5’s like these:


Are they any good? How would they compare sound wise to Wharfdale 121 stand mounters?

Also, there a dent in the centre bit (don’t know what the technical term is) of one of the cones, will this affect the sound? If so, is it repairable?


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Nov 23, 2011
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I can't comment of the Libertys, but my experience of Eltax is with the HT 2 BiPolar surrounds and HT2 Centre speakers.

They are amazing speakers in my setup for gaming matched with my ageing Mission 700LEs from the 80s..

I realise that is not what you are asking, but I can recommend Eltax for quality in workmanship and sound in my setup, not sure on music audio if you get my meaning.

As to whether these are comparable to Wharfes, I am not sure.



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Oct 29, 2008
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I had a pair of these until I replaced them with Q Acoustics. They're not the last word in 'hi-fi' but they're not bad. I suspect they'll sound 'bigger' than the Wharfedales, although I don't really have any experience of them. How much are they asking for the Eltaxes? What amp will you be using?

The pushed-in dustcap will have an effect but you may not notice it.


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Apr 2, 2013
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I have these speakers and am a great fan. For a budget floor-stander they punch well above their weight..rich bass which never sounds woolly and well integrated treble. They look great and are solidly built.

My only reservation is that I think they need to be driven quite hard to get the best out of them. If you listen to mainly rock or electronic music then they are ideal but if you are classical fan then these may not be your best bet.


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Feb 22, 2013
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How much are they going for? I had a pair of these about 12 years ago and they were a great budget floorstander, 5* winners at the time. Cost me about £150, and i was very happy with them. I can't comment on the difference between these and your wharfedales, but I do rate Eltax. I still use Monitor 3's in my office hifi and although i'm often tempted, i've never really felt the need to replace them. Unbelievably good sound for a speaker that cost about £70.


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Mar 3, 2013
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Looks like it should go and snap them up then, they only want £15 for them! I fear they might be too big for my room, but worth a go at that price.

Petherick said:
The pushed-in dustcap will have an effect but you may not notice it.

Ah, so that's what they're for. I found this thread on how to repair this:



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Mar 3, 2013
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I got them for £8! They are Eltax Liberty 5+. At first I though the tweeters weren't working, but then realised that there must have been a piece of metal connecting the two sets of connectors if not bi-wiring them. I found a bit of thin wire to link them up, and they're up an running. There doesn't seem to be any major damage soundwise, the dustcaps are seriously dented, I'm not sure anything's going to get them all out. So far, I don't think they can compete with my Wharfdale 121 bookshelves, but some better wire around the terminals might improve this.


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Feb 19, 2012
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Those speakers are superb - almost bought a pair when I decided to upgrade my Mission 731, tested them with a Arcam 65+ amp they sounded superb, they were single point bi-wired, at the demo I recall the assistant (it was at Richersounds ) cranked the amp up a bit the amp started tripping out. Only problem I had at the time with them was the size - ended up getting a compact pair of Sony ss176e floorstanders.

Anyhoo, if your using a decent cable to your speakers, cut about 6inches off and put that between the binding post on the speaker, those speakers are good

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paddyb said:
I got them for £8! They are Eltax Liberty 5+. At first I though the tweeters weren't working, but then realised that there must have been a piece of metal connecting the two sets of connectors if not bi-wiring them. I found a bit of thin wire to link them up, and they're up an running. There doesn't seem to be any major damage soundwise, the dustcaps are seriously dented, I'm not sure anything's going to get them all out. So far, I don't think they can compete with my Wharfdale 121 bookshelves, but some better wire around the terminals might improve this.

I had found this old thread just before I bought some of these off a mate, hence the thread resurrection. Like the OP, they're probably too big for the room they will work in (my bedroom) and the dust caps in both sets of tweeters are pushed in, so I'll have to get those sorted out.

First impressions when compared with my previous speakers (some Gales, which I had owned for over 20 years) is that there is much better stereo separation, more detail and better bass, which isn't hard, as the Gales were knackered. However I am not so sure about the midrange on them at all. Time will tell as to whether I get irritated by this and actually properly invest in something else, or just get used to the sound, as I did with the Gales. Still I only paid a tenner for them, so it's a bargain upgrade for me!


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