Dynaudio XEO3 Vs Neumann KH120 vs Genelec M030 vs Dynaudio BM COMPACT MKIII


New member
Jan 10, 2015
Zooming in one of the above four choices for nearfield listening, though could also position monitors a few feet away from listening distance. No wireless connecition required - will connect directly to pc (probably through a DAC). The Xeo 3 are being considered as there are some deals to be made on the model.

Have also not discounted the Focal Solo 6Be or other Focal monitors.

Any reactions from anyone who has tried any of the above?
You really can't go wrong with the Neumann's. I absolutely adore mine!

Also, the care that Neumann has put in the documentation, measurements and manual is very reassuring for the quality of the speaker you're buying.

Focal Solo's should be a step up, but then again that's to be expected for the price.
If you decide to go for the Dynaudio Xeo 3, I'd recommend checking offers outside of the UK. In Germany for example they can be easily found at the moment for £750 the pair.
Thumbs up for the Xeo's but I've no practical experience of using them in the near-field.

Agree with unsleepable - UK prices seem high given they've been superseded by the Xeo 4.
Out of these I would say the Neumann (née Klein + Hummel) KH120A.

If I were to go with Genelec's M line I would problably get the M040 over the M030 though.

Not a big fan of those particular Dynaudios, their (much much more expensive) Air series is very nice though (my laptop is supposed to have Dynaudio speakers by the way).

At a slightly lower pricepoint than the Neumanns, might I also suggest Nubert's nuPro A-300 or ADAM's F7? ADAM's A8X can also be had for roughly the same sum as those Neumanns.
The AVI DM5 are the best sounding active speakers that I've heard and they look a damn sight prettier than pro audio monitors to boot.


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