Direct / remote


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2024
On the back of my amp there is direct and remote speaker outputs it an ra 980 bx new to me which or how do i connect to my mission 752s? Cheers


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2024
I thought it might have been for bi wiring speakers 752s starting to distort slightly when very loud


Well-known member
On the back of my amp there is direct and remote speaker outputs it an ra 980 bx new to me which or how do i connect to my mission 752s? Cheers
'Direct' on your amp's terminals means just that - that they are unswitched.
Whereas on other amps with two (A and B) outputs, both can be individually switched, your 'speaker remote button' switches only the B output.....the direct pair are permanently connected.

With the remote (B) pair switched in, the two pairs of terminals are connected in parallel to the amp output, so there's no reason why you couldn't use them to bi-wire your speakers - but most people will tell you that there's no audible advantage in doing that.

Bottom line is that, when just using one main pair of speakers:
Doesn't matter whether you connect to A or B output on other amps.
But on yours, you get the 'advantage' of having no switch in series with your direct output.
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Well-known member
Most manufacturers would simply have called them A and B.....
....when they're both individually switched(y)
But in this case, I think Rotel is making the point that you've got a direct, unswitched option.

(And, let's face it, if you're never going to switch a pair off....who wants a switch?).

Al ears

Well-known member
....when they're both individually switched(y)
But in this case, I think Rotel is making the point that you've got a direct, unswitched option.

(And, let's face it, if you're never going to switch a pair off....who wants a switch?).
Presumably you may not want music from both pairs of speakers at the same time, at least I guess that's what the switch is for.
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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2008
Looking at the manual I think Gray is right and the Direct set are always on so if you do switch the Remote set on, both will be playing. (Seems odd though as, like you say, you would normally have the option of Direct or Remote or Direct & Remote.
Whereas on other amps with two (A and B) outputs, both can be individually switched, your 'speaker remote button' switches only the B output.....the direct pair are permanently connected.
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Well-known member
In fact, looking at the switch, I don't think you can have two pairs playing at once.
Looks like one or the other only, could be wrong.
You can have both pairs playing at once, it's just that the 'direct' pair can never be switched off (to leave just the remote pair).

There are those people that believe amp outputs should always go direct to speakers - never via any switch.

Others (strange types) might want the option of a second pair of speakers playing simultaneously.

This Rotel amp caters for both type of person.
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