Dali Zensor 3 vs Monitor Audio BX2


New member
Sep 30, 2015
After a lot of search, I thought I was ready to go to a store and get the Dali Zensor 3 speakers, to pair them with my Yamaha RX-V379 receiver. When I got there, the salesman offered me the Monitor Audio BX2(which are discontinued btw) for exactly the same price as the Zensor 3's: 335€. Now, I know the BX2 cost 150£(200€) on amazon, but they can't be delivered in my country and their starting price here is 400€. These are their specs:
•Dali Zensor 3• vs •Monitor Audio BX2•
Sensitivity(dB): 88 vs 90
Frequency Response(Hz): 50-26.500 vs 42-30000
Impedance(Ohms): 6 vs 8 (I prefer 8 ohms)
RMS(W): 125 vs 100
Tweeter(inches): 1 vs 1 (But the highs of the zensor have a much better reputation)
Bass Driver(inches): 7 vs 6.5

I can't get them home to test them, but I can ask the salesman to hear them in the store, if I ask in advance, but I don't really think I will be able to hear the difference in that way anyway...
Some facts about myself(if that helps in any way). I listen to music all day, I watch many movies and I would like to be able to throw a small party every once in a while.
Does anybody have a sincere opinion about any of those speakers to lead me to a decision? I'm currently leading towards the zensor 3's.


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2008
They are both very good speakers. I have previously owned the Monitor Audios and now own the Zensor 5s (the 3s big brothers). Personally I prefer the Zensors but it is a close run thing. I did find that the Monitor Audios had their own 'house sound' which I guess is a matter of taste.

What amplifier do you intend to use? What music do you listen to?

Kind regards


New member
Sep 30, 2015
I have the yamaha RX-V379 5.1 AV receiver and I intend to get towers, subwoofer and center speaker to complete the system. I listen to pretty much anything... house, electronic, latin, pop and classic.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2012
I personally really dislike the BX2, and they can sound harsh and with loose bass. On the other hand, I only heard them with the silly Yamaha AS-500, which is a really weak sounding and uninvolving amp (again, imo). With Yamaha, Boston Acoustics or Q Acoustics might be worth considering, maybe even B&W. But out of the two you ask about, in isolation, Dali for sure.


New member
Jan 1, 2014
T.T. said:
After a lot of search, I thought I was ready to go to a store and get the Dali Zensor 3 speakers, to pair them with my Yamaha RX-V379 receiver. When I got there, the salesman offered me the Monitor Audio BX2(which are discontinued btw) for exactly the same price as the Zensor 3's: 335€. Now, I know the BX2 cost 150£(200€) on amazon, but they can't be delivered in my country and their starting price here is 400€. These are their specs:•Dali Zensor 3• vs •Monitor Audio BX2•Sensitivity(dB): 88 vs 90Frequency Response(Hz): 50-26.500 vs 42-30000Impedance(Ohms): 6 vs 8 (I prefer 8 ohms)RMS(W): 125 vs 100Tweeter(inches): 1 vs 1 (But the highs of the zensor have a much better reputation)Bass Driver(inches): 7 vs 6.5

I can't get them home to test them, but I can ask the salesman to hear them in the store, if I ask in advance, but I don't really think I will be able to hear the difference in that way anyway... Some facts about myself(if that helps in any way). I listen to music all day, I watch many movies and I would like to be able to throw a small party every once in a while. Does anybody have a sincere opinion about any of those speakers to lead me to a decision? I'm currently leading towards the zensor 3's.

lmao. dont get the bx2's! and they are same price?! ripoff. here in uk they were £225 and the zensor 3's were £300 at the time i demo'd them both at around february 2014. the zensor 3's sounded better even though the treble was bit better on the bx2s which is understandable as they have gold tweeter.

if you dont have sub get zensor 3s as they have better bass.


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2015
Well I would go for the Dalis 3s they are very good speakers for £300 and they are a 125 wt speakers too So good for a party . Anyway I own a pair and the the Dali 1s too but they will not give you the bass you need the 3s will but it's not overkill bass .


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