I got mine from Superfi in black for £349. They are doing the silver version for £299. I've not seen it lower than £499 anywhere else. Please no one tell me they can beat it!!
I'll let you know when I do. I am awaiting a stand which is being built for me and a Pioneer cd player which is on order. Once I'm up and running I will find out if the wait was worth it.
Creek audio always something of a bargain. even the old black box with terrible green lettering do sound suprisingly good when compair to many newer products that cost twice as much.
I bought my Creek Evo C.D. Player from Superfi for £395, and I must say I prefered it to the Arcam 73, Roksan , Audiolab, all of those were more expensive too.
I've finally got my Evo set up and running, albeit with a Denon dvd player (Pioneer cdp is on order). The sound is superb and so so powerful. Very happy indeed. Many thanks Thaiman by the way for your advice.