I have heard that its mother loves it. It looks to me like it was designed by a French car designer c.f. Citröen.
This in my highly subjective view is audiobling, an overpriced amp with a fancy case that aims to convince the customer that it is special, when in fact it is just an audio amp. PMC is a boutique manufacture, they won’t sell many, and you will pay through the nose for exclusivity thus value for money is low.
Life is full of examples of exclusivity, our whole capitalistic society relies on exclusivity, blimey even communism is full of exclusivity and that is supposed to be a level playing field.
I have to say that Citroen made some great cars, weird but nevertheless great, the suspension on their cars where you could drive with a wheel missing has never been bettered, headlights that turned with the wheels so the lights followed the road is only now becoming a feature on mass market cars.
If we didn't have companies bringing outrageous products or ideas to market we would stifle innovation and creativity, ideas that work wouldn't get released and progress would cease.
So yes this Amp may have the looks that only a mother could love, it may have a price that only a Premier League footballer can afford but that's fine, to them it is good value for money.
Logically my love of vinyl isn't really a good way of getting value for money, they are expensive to buy difficult to keep clean and difficult to get a great sound out of, I could get a better deal out of streaming my music. But what price do you put on engagement, involvement and interaction, all of these I get from Vinyl but I get none of them from streaming.
We are all different, we all have different likes and dislikes, our finances are different, our spending power is different, so what I think is a bargain and good VFM can be the complete opposite for someone else, and of course that works the other way round as well.