converting flac flies question


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Sep 23, 2007
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I know in iTunes if you convert formats it will keep the original although obviously it won`t convert flac,would imagine j-river does the same although I`ve never tried.


New member
Feb 19, 2009
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this may seem the long way round. but if the mrs wants any of my flac files on my laptop. i convert with keeping the original file and do .flac into wma. using j river jukebox(free one) i am looking at paying £30($50) for the centre version but need a little more convincing yet thats its vaule for money. Then i drop them into a folder i have made on my desktop named convert-burningcds files. Then drag and drop them into itiunes and it converts them into acc 320 and keeps all the artwork ect so im quite impressed. When ripping in itunes i found i was not tagging the file if that makes sense. so itunes is almost empty which is good cause its a heavy package imo.

Plus ive downloaded cd burnerxp which ive not got round to yet but this coming week im going to find of turning them flac files in mix cds that my car cd player with play.

i looked a MM and its ok for 30days trail so i dont wont to fall in love and have my heart broken lol. Thanks for all advise and tips keep them coming.


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