Comparing sources


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2024
Whilst debating whether to buy an Audiolab 6000cdt it became apparent to me that now I had a new amp (cxa61) my Marantz 6000ose cd player ( through the amp's dac) sounded much better than Tidal coming out of a WiiM Pro (again through the 61 dac).
Previously, using a Denon 600ne, and at times my Mojo, I struggled to hear a difference. When I started out the WiiM was inferior, but a£50 iFi power supply made a huge improvement, to my amazement- I had it down as probable Amazon return.

But back to the subject of my thread: what is an easy, but effective way to compare my sources?
What I have done so far is far from technical, and involved swapping inputs on the amp whilst playing the same cd* (or what sounds the same to me!), at a similar volume . I became aware how crucial it is to reasonably match volumes, but I have to say my cd had better soundstage even at lower volumes.
Is there a better way to match volume? I thought of using my multimeter on the speaker terminals to see what the voltage was, but then realized that depends on the music, and what the amp is putting out. I trust my ears, for sure, the cd/tidal difference is night and day, but I'm anticipating it'll be much less when I compare the transport to the player, so it would be nice to accurately match volume.

I am still awaiting the arrival of the transport, and I've spent some time convincing myself it's two hundred quid wasted, so I stay totally objective
Don't anybody say I should have spent the cdt money on a new streamer:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

*I know that strange things happen when Tidal stores and serves its files, but that aside..


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2021
Connect all the sources and play them simultaneously. You’ll barely notice any difference if you quickly flick the input switch though.

Level matching can help, but some standouts can be heard before you do this. For me, its the body/fullness thats most noticeable. I find CD has a richer presentation compared to streaming from Tidal.

Transport vs. CD players: you won’t hear any differences I suspect. It’ll be difficult to say which is “better” since you’re only testing one of one Ideally you’d have a couple transports in to digest the differeance between them and what the dac maybe doing , then put them up against the cd player.

People have forgotten how good CD players can sound in all honesty and there will be a resurgence at some point I feel.

I think ive understood you correctly and what you're trying achieve.
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2024
Connect all the sources and play them simultaneously. You’ll barely notice any difference if you quickly flick the input switch though.

Level matching can help, but some standouts can be heard before you do this. For me, its the body/fullness thats most noticeable. I find CD has a richer presentation compared to streaming from Tidal.

Transport vs. CD players: you won’t hear any differences I suspect. It’ll be difficult to say which is “better” since you’re only testing one of one Ideally you’d have a couple transports in to digest the differeance between them and what the dac maybe doing , then put them up against the cd player.

People have forgotten how good CD players can sound in all honesty and there will be a resurgence at some point I feel.

I think ive understood you correctly and what you're trying achieve.
Thanks, I hadn't thought of toggling between
Connect all the sources and play them simultaneously. You’ll barely notice any difference if you quickly flick the input switch though.

Level matching can help, but some standouts can be heard before you do this. For me, its the body/fullness thats most noticeable. I find CD has a richer presentation compared to streaming from Tidal.

Transport vs. CD players: you won’t hear any differences I suspect. It’ll be difficult to say which is “better” since you’re only testing one of one Ideally you’d have a couple transports in to digest the differeance between them and what the dac maybe doing , then put them up against the cd player.

People have forgotten how good CD players can sound in all honesty and there will be a resurgence at some point I feel.

I think ive understood you correctly and what you're trying achieve.
Thanks, I'ved concentrated on a few tracks with lots of instruments, and the cd has far better soundstage, and almost a warmer feel- that's presumably the rich presentation you feel. Funny how my WiiM can sound a bit lacking now, I loved it six months ago. It is better when I put it through my Mojo, which gives it a warmer sound, and opens it up a bit. I mainly stream when I'm searching for stuff, or not sitting down listening seriously, playing mixes etc.
I was amazed how good my cd player sounded in comparison, and that I hadn't heard the difference through the Denon.I don't want to have to rely on the internet, so will continue to hoover up cds on eBay!


Well-known member
May 9, 2017
As I recommend to most customers - switching back and forth between two (or more) sources just tends to create confusion, and usually ends up in the listener comparing tonal balance more so than anything else. I'd recommend to listen to one option for a week, gaining a general idea of positives and negatives. If needed, go back to the first option and repeat. It's harder to appreciate what one option can do with short listening sessions, as some products (particularly speakers) can take some time to settle into in order for the, to "come to the listener" and to appreciate their strengths or weaknesses. It's quite easy to build up a general idea of what one product does right and what it does wrong, or what you like or dislike about it - you either enjoy it, or you don't.

Quality compact disc players are few and far between at various price points, and while the Marantz is no giant killer, it's as good as you'd get at the price point. Of course, it depends how good the streamer is too - there's a few "go to" brands for streamers, but that doesn't mean they're the best sounding options.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2024
I've taken that advice on board, and The RM have done me a favour by delaying delivery due to surcharges, so I've been forced to wait and continue listening to the Marantz. I expect to take delivery towards the end of the week, so I'll report back once I've appraised it.

I'm sure I can do better than the WiiM Pro, but that will have to wait now. I do like its app , it works really well, but sound comes first.

Fandango Andy

Well-known member
Jun 10, 2020
Whilst debating whether to buy an Audiolab 6000cdt it became apparent to me that now I had a new amp (cxa61) my Marantz 6000ose cd player ( through the amp's dac) sounded much better than Tidal coming out of a WiiM Pro (again through the 61 dac).
Previously, using a Denon 600ne, and at times my Mojo, I struggled to hear a difference. When I started out the WiiM was inferior, but a£50 iFi power supply made a huge improvement, to my amazement- I had it down as probable Amazon return.

But back to the subject of my thread: what is an easy, but effective way to compare my sources?
What I have done so far is far from technical, and involved swapping inputs on the amp whilst playing the same cd* (or what sounds the same to me!), at a similar volume . I became aware how crucial it is to reasonably match volumes, but I have to say my cd had better soundstage even at lower volumes.
Is there a better way to match volume? I thought of using my multimeter on the speaker terminals to see what the voltage was, but then realized that depends on the music, and what the amp is putting out. I trust my ears, for sure, the cd/tidal difference is night and day, but I'm anticipating it'll be much less when I compare the transport to the player, so it would be nice to accurately match volume.

I am still awaiting the arrival of the transport, and I've spent some time convincing myself it's two hundred quid wasted, so I stay totally objective
Don't anybody say I should have spent the cdt money on a new streamer:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

*I know that strange things happen when Tidal stores and serves its files, but that aside..

I did a comparison a few years ago, just out of curiosity. I queued up the same track on CD, streaming (Amazon HD), vinyl, and a mobile phone connected 3.5jack to RCA. I sat back and used my amps remove control to flip between sources. They all sounded totally different, simply because the volumes were different.

The only way to tell for sure is to do it blind. You need someone to help you so you don't know what source you are listening to, and they need a Db meter to ensure the volumes are the same.
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