Thanks all for the reply's!
Some may remember my earlier question about rock music being too polite so to that end I will get a demonstration of the Bryston 4bsst2 amp along with others.
The plan is to use my existing Marantz Pearl (in the, hopefully, very short term) as a pre-amp and then add the Bryston pre (subject to audition). I feel that the BP-26 would push the budget and waiting time too far hence the interest in the BP-6.
That done I would then be looking at speakers - Kef Reference 205/2 defiantly sounds like one to audition and I would also like to get a listen to Theil CS 3.7.
Has anyone got experience of the Theils? Any others that should be on the short list - I'm looking for something that sounds good at both low and higher volume and covers most types of music. As stated before the system I have now sounds great on some music but doesn't rock. Also it needs a bit of volume before it gets going, constantly getting the "can you turn it down a bit" from the other half!
Interestingly, the Bryston gear is cheaper here in in the Netherlands but speakers such as Kef are far more expensive so I would probably get the amplifier here and the speakers in the UK.