Best open back headphones 100-200$?

One-Eyed Maestro

New member
Dec 5, 2014
As the title suggested, I am looking for what you guys consider to be the best pair of over-ear open-back headphones from 100-200$. I'm currently using the Audio Technica ath-m40x's and I'm pretty satisfied with the sound but as I said I want something open preferably with a wider soundstage and more open sound. I've been looking at the Sennheiser HD598 for quite some time but I've been hearing some pretty mixed opinions about those. Is there anything else that you guys would recommend at around the same price? Comfort is also important. I've owned some cheaper Sennheiser headphones in the past and I've always enjoyed the sound of those but I'd expect the HD598's to be a lot better. I will only use these headphones at home as well so portability isn't important. Any suggestions or should I go with the HD598's?


New member
Aug 24, 2007
The Audio-Technica ATH-AD500x would be good especially if you like the M40x. Make sure you look at the AD model rather than the A.

One-Eyed Maestro

New member
Dec 5, 2014
Hmm, looks promising. How does the AD700x compare to the AD500x? I just looked it up and here in Sweden you can actually get the AD700x's for cheaper than the 500x's but that is mainly because the 500x's are ridiculously expensive compared to the prices that I see on amazon which are below half the price. The 700x's pretty much costs like they do on Amazon. What's the difference between the two?


New member
Feb 22, 2010
I love my ATH-900x. Very open sound. Great soundstage and instrument separation for a headphone. May sound a bit analytical or clinical if you like a warm sound. Very comfortable and quite light. I prefer the Audio-Technica house sound to the Sennheiser sound, but the Senns are also very comfortable. The 598s are, if I recall correctly, a bit more lively than the 595s I own, so you'll probably enjoy them.

Deleted member 108165

I can only comment on the HD598 as I own a set, I read somewhere that they are the love child of Grado and Sennheiser and indeed they are the most forward of any Senns I have owned. I rate them, they're a fun headphone as long as you're not a bass junkie and can overlook the 70's car interior colour scheme: they're also very comfy and light. They have the widest soundstage of any of my hp's and they work very well with an mp3 player. As a note I currently also own: HD650's; SR80i & SR225i; and SRH840, all have their advantages and disadvantages.

I know it's difficult but audition if you can.


New member
Jan 7, 2008
Not open backed, but a very open, neutral sound. I picked up some Shure SRH940 recently and they are superb. I prefer them to my open Sennheiser HD595 which is an older version of the HD598 (I think).

Compared to the Audio Technica, no contest imo.

Got them from a local 4sound (Sweden) too, around SEK2000

Green Bow

Well-known member
Jan 30, 2015
There is an pair of AKG's I think that have halved in price that sparkle. I don't know if they are open-backed though.

You would be doing yourself an injustice though if you didn't consider Grado. At least audition a run in pair, or buy from reviews and run them in yourself.


New member
Dec 7, 2011
I really like the Yamaha 200bl - it fits "over the ears" alright (but not around). In this case it's superbly comfortable. There's the Soundmagic HP200, which comes up on discounts now and then.


New member
Aug 24, 2007
One-Eyed Maestro said:
Hmm, looks promising. How does the AD700x compare to the AD500x? I just looked it up and here in Sweden you can actually get the AD700x's for cheaper than the 500x's but that is mainly because the 500x's are ridiculously expensive compared to the prices that I see on amazon which are below half the price. The 700x's pretty much costs like they do on Amazon. What's the difference between the two?

The AD700x have a slightly wider frequency response meaning you should hear a touch more detail. They also have a lower impedance which means they will go slightly louder. If they are cheaper then it's a no-brainer.

Green Bow

Well-known member
Jan 30, 2015
Don't What Hi-fi say that the SR60, 80, and 125 are the best headphones in that price range. They are open backed. What's the issue?

I think SR80 are best under £150, as are the other models respectively.


New member
Feb 22, 2010
Green Bow said:
Don't What Hi-fi say that the SR60, 80, and 125 are the best headphones in that price range. They are open backed. What's the issue?

I think SR80 are best under £150, as are the other models respectively.

I also know plenty of people who find the Grado sound to be grating and hard to listen to for extended periods. Being supra aural (on ear) certainly doesn't help. I'd take Audio Technica over Grado any time, but it all comes down to personal preference. Just because it is in WHF doesn't make it fact. It just means the reviewers found it to their preference and recommend it as worth auditioning.


New member
Aug 13, 2007
I would look for some Senheiser HD 650 second hand which would be in your budget or if you want new some HD 600. they are amazing! I feel much more balabced that Grado's at the same price point. They will not be great straight out of a phone though!

Green Bow

Well-known member
Jan 30, 2015
No I don't work for Grado. Writing even more than one post was an accident.

I saved the links for threads I had been looking at or posted to. When I reloaded the links later they showed without my posts in. How I do not know. Having forgotten I posted by then, I thought OK I will post in this thread. Ater posting and it loaded the whole thread, I was shocked to see I had posted above. Neither can I delete my uneeded posts. Anyway no 'harm' done.

Yes I hear some complain about the Grado sound, however the majority who have them love them. I love them and think they only show up what you are listening to. My first foray with them was with an old Sony Walkman; the type with a cassette player in them. I listened to the radio on it for hours and the SR 60 made it sound brilliant. I loved it passionately. Therefor I can confidently say they are full as your sound source.

As for comfort. I can wear my L-cusions all day long. It's just a matter of getting the ear-cups in the right place on the stems they are on. Too high or too low and they apply pressure in the wrong place. Another advantage of the L-cusion pads is they stay exceptionally cool. I wouldn't wear a headphone that goes all around the outside of the ear and seals it - not ever now.


New member
Dec 26, 2013


New member
Jan 15, 2014
How about best open back headphones 10-200$? That would be easy: Superlux HD 668B.Not the most comfortable though. But that can be improved with AKG pads.