Best Budget Floorstanders?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I need help in choosing a good budget floorstander for between £150 - £200, listening to a broud range of music, quality over quantity.


New member
Sep 9, 2007
hello jimbob,tannoy,mission maybe wharfedale but we need to know the rest of your system to give an informed view.


I`ve got myself an old `77 technics su-7300 just coz i love the sound of old amps. No cd player as yet, still trying to decide how much i can afford to spend and what would suit a retro amp. Any ideas?


Hi, TBH I wouldn't spend that money on new floorstanders, because personally I feel you can't make a good floorstander for that sort of money simply because the bigger box will flex and boom because the cabinet will vibrate and it will not be built strong enough with enternal bracking and a strong enough cabinet, hence if your happy with old kit you will be better going second hand and getting floorstanders around £700-800 from a few years ago such as castle, B&W CDM7 etc will give you better sounds than a new pair at £150 odd.



If I had £250 to spend I would not personally myself go for floorstanders for the reasons I previously mentioned, but look for a better quality standmounter from the likes of the usual suspects, as everyone has slightly different taste it is best to try to hear a few of them to see which you prefer.


[quote user="Jimbob_1978"]
Would i be able to get a capable pair for say £250?


IMO to get a capable floorstanding speaker you would be looking at least £330 for the Q Acoustic 1050 or £350 will get you the Tannoy Mercury F4. Otherwise for standmount £200 will get you the delicous Monitor Audio BR2's.
Although... if you dont have a cd player and your amp is nothing special then having good speakers doesnt really make too much sense - bad signal going in = bad signal coming out. unfortunate, but thats reality...


Data on your amp:

The very idea of having a 6db per octave low pass filter in your pre-amp... starting at 8Khz sounds disastrous to me. Does it have pre/power in/outs on the back? If so you might be able to use a better pre-amp. With an amplifier that has that I find it hard to imagine how any speakers could sound anything but dull.


Oh.... So basically my amp is rubbish and i should buy myself a new amp before considering new speakers!? Thanks for that i`ll chuck it in the bin right now!


I`ve spotted some castle column compacts ex demo for £250, they retailed for £550 when new. Anyone got any opinions on them?


Had another listen to the Castle column compacts alongside Monitor Audio BR2`s and KEF IQ5`s. The KEF`s won it for me, very dynamic in comparison to the others, the castles sounded very and although i was very impressed with the detailed top end of the MA`s the Kefs brouder range was a winner. Thanks for all the advice guys.

the record spot

Must admit, although I agree in part with Silly's earlier comments re: floorstanding speakers (those of less than £500), I have to disagree at the same time!

Whilst sacrifices will have to be made in contructing a £300 floorstander, it doesn't naturally follow that the resulting sound quality is so poor as to be unlistenable!

Having owned a pair of Mission 733i floorstanders for ten years now (cost £330 new), I have to say I'd have a very hard time replacing them. Yes, without bungs in the bass ports, there can be substantial boom, but they are flexible enough to have the port either fully bunged, or partially (the port is bifurcated in order that half can be closed off and half left open), or can be sand-filled at the base to improve rigidity.

I haven't gone down the latter route, but the speaker is extremely musical, it doesn't favour one type of music over another and I listen to a very wide range - classical, rock, vocal, electronic (early Tangerine Dream, man!), hard rock (Motorhead - they still count!!) and so on and so forth. To improve substantially on that, I think I'd need to spend good money and no shortage of it either to better them. Hard to say without comparing like for like, but, why seek out a solution for a problem that isn't there?!

I'd suggest a potential buyer listens to both types - floorstanders and bookshelf/standmounters. I hear great things written of AVI's Neutron IV (or is it the V now?!) and would be well interested in those depending on what my room size was and what I'm partnering it with. It's a tough choice and especially at the £200-£400 end of the market. Q Acoustics have good things written of their products, KEF, Monitor Audio, Tannoy, et al, all have strength in numbers at that price point. A tough choice to be sure!