Best 40/42 screen for £1500


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I've got a budget of about £1500 and looking for a 40/42 in screen, I am open to plasma or lcd. I've got sky HD and a blue-ray player and playstation 3 so gaming performance is important, also I want a good SD picture as most tv stuff is still SD. There are 4 models I have been considering sony w5500 & z4500 and the panasonic G10 & V10. I would be grateful for some advice on the best tv to get for my needs, as after a month or so of looking I seem to be further away on deciding which tv to get than when I started looking!!
Also the Samsung seems to of got good reviews so i would ook at that along with the Sony Z series. As for Plasma, reviews of the Panasonic V10 are online now. It would be worth comparing the newer models to last years something like the 42PZ81, 85 and see if it's worth the difference, or wait for the G10 review.


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