Another set of amplifiers to consider


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Apr 5, 2015
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Hi all

I'm also nearly at a state where I can upgrade my amp - currently feeding some castle harclech S2's which can be a tad bright - so want a lovely, lush warm sounding amp that doesn't sound too slow with faster paced stuff.

I think (!) my shortlist is:-

Xindak PA-m ii class A (ex demo)

Abrahamsen v2.0 UP (new)

Sugden A21a SE (second hand)

Croft intergrated (NEW)

So guys, fire away with opinions and conclusions, and tell me what I should buy - remember, the warmer the better really.


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Oct 22, 2009
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It's an interesting shortlist, and I'll be interested to see how many have had the opportunity to directly compare them. From your list I have only listened to the Croft (my new one arrived today
) and it was exactly what I was after. I would describe it as detailed but reasonably warm.

It replaced an old Marantz, which was perhaps a touch warmer, but the croft brings much more detail without being at all bright.

If your budget stetches to £1500, there is an exdemo LFD for sale; that had a slighly fuller/richer sound than the croft, but I just didn't think it was worth the extra money for me. Both amps were richer than the more mainstream products I listened to, and both handled the rhythm/pace better too.

Not much help from your list, I'm affraid, Good luck.


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Apr 5, 2015
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Yeah they are a bit off the radar but I really like that warmer sound so I think these are the best around the 1k mark. Don't think I'll be able to directly compare any really, my local dealer only does croft and the others involve a long commute out of cornwall! The LFD is a bit beyond my budget but thanks anyway. You'll have to let me know your thoughts on the croft after burning in

iQ Speakers

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Feb 24, 2013
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Well I'm biased, but had a brand new Sugden A21SE, sold it and prefer the Abrahamsen. Just finished a demo, the guy bought his Croft pre/power around and it was very nice, ultimatley I prefered the extra drive and bass control of the Abrahamsen. So i guess it will come down to your preferances. The Croft was warmer and i could not live with the DIY case look. It will ultimatley come down to your personel preferances and the bizare set of combinations that we all go through to buy into a brand and the sound.


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Apr 5, 2015
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Thanks for that, which was the warmer out of the sugden and the abrahamsen? And do you know how much of the abrahamsen operates in class a before it goes class a/b?


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Sep 22, 2011
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Some Sugden with Dali Ikon ,Zensor 5,3 and 1, Triangle comete. To me The zensor were the best match , the Zensor 3es were a bit bassy than the 1 , both qually pleasurable.

iQ Speakers

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Feb 24, 2013
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Zatsasva said:
Thanks for that, which was the warmer out of the sugden and the abrahamsen? And do you know how much of the abrahamsen operates in class a before it goes class a/b?
By warm if you mean neutral, natural and non fatiguing then both similar. The Abrahamsen just has more control which instills better timing notes just start and stop. As to how much class A they do not specify. They just say heavily biased into class A.


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