andrew ,problems ,lots of them


New member
Aug 10, 2019
so got the advance acustic power amp got it home and started connecting the lot ( 540 cd 640 amp ( as pre amp )and the so long waited power amp ....all connected propely no sound!something wrong with the power amp i didnt think so (ill get to that later )i was thinking the 640 amp wasnt sendind anything out at the pre out end and so it seemed but next i did somenthing stupid ant connected my cd player directly to the power amp and it died on me no more stand by (red light ) no turning on at all could i have blown the fuse or have i just f"!(&)d my new power amp the amp it selfs works fine but i still think it dosent send a signal out at the pre out end as the power amp wile still working wasent detecting any sound and going i a sleep mode where it was on but not receiving any signal . wat can i do? should i take it back to the shop and say it dont work ?as if that wasent enough i need a new hi-fi rack as the one i have is not big and robust eough to acomodate this nwe power amp once i get it working i need a rack that can support two of this power amps each one of them an 19 kg and so so big and the mains lead that comes in the box of this gigantic power amp is too short! help !


Which connections did you connect the pre amp to on the power amp?


Perhaps the power amp was dodgy. I'd take it back and not mention about connecting the CDP directly to it.


ok now it turns on again after changing the fuse but still no sound i called them up and they sayd to bring it in they test it to se if itz just me connecting it wrong and if broken ill get new one to replace it free of charge of couse


I find it hard to believe that connecting your CD player directly to your power amp damaged the power amp. The worst that would happen is the impedances be all wrong and that would more likely damage your player, not the amp. What I'd expect is little to no sound out the power amp from this situation, I'd think the power amp will draw too much current from the CD player amplifier.

Sounds to me like you have a power amp with a dud power supply (which may have in turn damaged internal components) perhaps due to a dodgy transformer winding or something...


[quote user="Mr_Poletski"]I find it hard to believe that connecting your CD player directly to your power amp damaged the power amp. The worst that would happen is the impedances be all wrong and that would more likely damage your player, not the amp. What I'd expect is little to no sound out the power amp from this situation, I'd think the power amp will draw too much current from the CD player amplifier.

Sounds to me like you have a power amp with a dud power supply (which may have in turn damaged internal components) perhaps due to a dodgy transformer winding or something...[/quote]

I'm with Poletski on this but I guess you never know. Surely the line level from the CD player wouldnt be any higher than that from the pre-amp.


Well that wouldn't really matter either, overdriving the amp for 2 seconds isn't gonna blow it up either... much more likely the speakers. The fuse blew and most fuses don't blow immediately, they have to heat up first, so I'd imagine the fuse only blew when you connected the CD player in directly by co-incidence. I think line level is about 1.25 volts and (in my 8000C, others likely to be different) a pre-amp gives out 1v. I think I am comparing RMS to peak-peak though so they'd be about the same, if not the pre-amp slightly higher. I bet five notes it got bashed in transit and the transformer core went...;)


its all good i returned it to the store today and they didnt even try it the just told me there is a new one on the way for u and it has been tested by the company guys to make sure its all good and it will be here tomorrow or day after for u to collect it . ho!! and i got a call from the manager director of advance acustic who apologised and got a new unit sent to the shop double quick not bad for after sales customer care ?

Andrew Everard

New member
May 30, 2007
Bit of a result given the circs. Let's just hope he doesn't read this forum...



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