Amplifier Power problem - transformer help needed


New member
Jan 12, 2008
Hi Guys,

Just purchased a Rotel RA1062 on the bay.

It's a USA version - rated at 300W; 120V; 60hz (info taken from back of amp)

What transformer is it I need? is it simply a stepdown transformer? What would be a sensible buy considering the amp was £299?

Do these transformers 'condition' the power suply in any way?

Sorry if these are basic and stupid questions - I'm pretty clueless. Was going round in circles on Google.
I have just had a look at the service manual for this amplifier and it indicates that only one transformer was used for 115V - 230V.

It has dual 115V primary taps so they just need to be reconfigured in series to operate with a 230V input. This is usually done via jumpers on the board a competent electronics engineer would easily be able to do it for you, whereabouts in the country are you I may be able to help you?

This would be a much better option than the step down TX.
Aaah..ur the guy that bought

I was watching that considering going to £350..But I bottled out..haha

Well done,great price paid for a fantastic amp..

Yeah,I agree with eggontoast...A competent hifi doctor should be able to sort out the step down problem on the transformer.

Not a big job..Just get someone who wont' blow it up..😛..

The transformers are out their but acquiring one these days on sites like E-bay...u really never know whactca going to get..

All the best on getting it sorted..🙂
Raggabunny said:
Aaah..ur the guy that bought

I was watching that considering going to £350..But I bottled out..haha

Well done,great price paid for a fantastic amp..

Yeah,I agree with eggontoast...A competent hifi doctor should be able to sort out the step down problem on the transformer.

Not a big job..Just get someone who wont' blow it up..😛..

The transformers are out their but acquiring one these days on sites like E-bay...u really never know whactca going to get..

All the best on getting it sorted..🙂

Hi mate

I've pulled out of the deal. After speaking to a few HiFi people it was going to be too much to get sorted out properly.

I've tried emailing the seller a few times (beofre and after I pulled out of the sale) but they haven't replied to any as yet - however, it might be worth emailing them if you want? they were called 'Stuffusell'

tommyb said:
I've pulled out of the deal. After speaking to a few HiFi people it was going to be too much to get sorted out properly.

I've tried emailing the seller a few times (beofre and after I pulled out of the sale) but they haven't replied to any as yet - however, it might be worth emailing them if you want? they were called 'Stuffusell'


Its not a big deal to sort it, no parts are required the existing transformer in the unit just needs the primary windings changed from parallel to series wiring. Should be no more than half an hours labour tops.
From the RA-1062 user manaul:

NOTE: Should you move your RA-1062 to another country, it is possible to reconfigure your amplifier for use on a different line voltage. Do not attempt to perform this conversion yourself. Opening the enclosure of the RA-1062 exposes you to dangerous voltages. Consult a qualified service person or the Rotel factory service department for information.