Amplifier advice


New member
Aug 10, 2019

After some amp advice. I've just recently bought the Kef IQ5SE speakers to pair up with my Audiolab 8000cd and my old audiolab 8000a amp. I'm pretty sure i want to get an audiolab 8000s amp to replace the 8000a. Checked a few reviews and seems to be about average. Just wondering if anyone out there is using an 8000s with a similar setup and what it sounds like ? Or does anyone feel i could get a better amp for my money ?


What about buying an Audiolab 8000P power amp to use with the 8000A?

I think you would need to get the pre/power sections seperated with a small tweak as discussed here. Once the pre and power sections are separated you can use the preouts to feed the 8000P.

It might be simpler to email IAG to ask whether you can biamp, i.e. simply use the preouts on the 8000A to feed the 8000P, with one amp driving the tweeters and the other the bass.

Just thoughts. I think moving to an 8000P would bring much greater gains in performance.
Thanks for your advice. I've given this alot of thought ! I've decided to go with the 8000s amp. What with my amp being 15 plus years old i thought i would upgrade. Next option is either new cables or that power amp !


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