Amazon Echo Sound Quality?


New member
Nov 6, 2011
Hi there,

Just received ours last night and was wondering what others's opinions were regarding the SQ? My daughter needed a wireless type speaker as her constant school day morning headphone use was driving me to despair. I've only had a brief experience of a wireless compact speaker, the cheap Cambridge Audio offering and was wondering how others rate them?
I'm still trying to work out what they are! So there's a bigger version with a spaker and a smaller version which you can add to existing to to make it voice control?

There's a thread on PFM re these at the moment, might be worth checking.

For portable I've got a JBL Charge something or other, bloody impressive for the size.
PFM here I come then, ta. Well my daughter seems happy enough with it. Got it for £99 being an Amazon Prime member., wouldn;t have bothered otherwise

Personally I think it's little more than a gimmick, sound is OK for the size but 'Alexa' is the local village idiot out of the box,,, ;-)


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