advice please on reusing an old hifi


New member
Aug 10, 2019
i am busy restoring my old hifi - a pioneer pl12d deck with original shure m75ed type11 cartridge (recent ebay purchase) - and would appreciate some help with the following cause i'm no expert (and i bet some of you can guess my vintage too!):

1. i have large (bass?) speakers built into my window 'space' (don't ask, an architect designed the house, but effectively i have 2 huge bass speakers) and am looking for suitable bookshelf speakers to accompany them. all the wiring is in place, and i don't want to spend a fortune because this is really a bit of fun. can u get treble only speakers, or is there a good toppy speaker available?

2. while i'm asking, where can i buy (on the net, i live in rural scotland) coloured connectors between my pick up arm and the head WITH THE 'HOLLOW METAL TUBES' TO SLIP OVER THE PINS ALREADY SOLDERED ON (hope this make sense?)

many thanks for your help.

Andrew Everard

New member
May 30, 2007
Without knowing the characteristics of those bass speakers, it's hard to be precise, but I would have thought some small speakers in the Tangent Evo/Q Acoustics 1010/Wharfedale Diamond 9.0 range would be suitable.

On point 2, do you mean like these?

These headshell leads are made by German turntable specialists Clearaudio, cost £35 a set and are available here. They're probably a bit OTT for your set-up, so you can buy a set of much simpler leads like this,

perfectly capable of doing the job, here, for £1.99 a set! Unfortunately there's a £2.99 postage charge, but that still makes them less than a fiver...


cheers. i am interested in a set of the cheap connectors, and i'll follow up your speaker ideas. let me know how to buy please.


Are you sure those build-in speakers are dedicated bass units? Or can they be just big (maybe boomy?) 'normal' speakers?
And do you like the kind of sound they produce?

If they do proper bass, you could experiment with satellite speakers, but the end result is very dependent on the quality of those build-in units and the integration with any other kind of speaker.

Which brings up the question of amplification...
You probably need a way to balance the volume between your build-in speakers and new additions. A normal stereo amplifier (even with double outputs) will not enable you to do this and if one set of speakers is more sensitive, it can dominate the other.
With a surround amplifier there are usually more options.

If you can provide more specific information, you probably can get better advice...


i'm thick! travelled all the way to aberdeen for the footie on sunday, found a maples, and bought the connectors which are exactly what i needed. thanks very much. speakers next...


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