Absolute long shot this!!!!!!!


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I have just bought what must be the last marantz SA7001KI in the country and I would love the matching KI amp..any ideas? Any hifi dealers still got one sat on a shelf?
Smart move, one superb CD player, but be aware that the PM7001 KI needs to have a good helping of bottom end or your speakers do. The SA7001 is wonderfully accurate in the presentation, but the bass is lean rather than heaped on. Synergy, balance, whatever, but I found matching this one to be absolutely critical.
You might also consider this one - the better of the two amps, but it won't be too good for the CDP. Depends on the reserve though...
thanks guys i will have a look, although the ebay one seems a bit over priced - I paid less for CDP new!

Record spot - I know what you mean, I auditioned the KI and standard 7001 at home for a while and whilst the difference was obvious, at first I couldnt decide whether that = better! BUT in the end i liked the precision seperation and extra punch of the KI whereas the standrd 7001 was warmer(?) and possibly more rounded it lacked the clarity of the KI IMHO. The Ki does though sound a touch harsh occassionally dependent on the track (i guess harsh is not a good audio word!) in some of the higher notes/vocals. The hifi shop sold me a new IC and speaker cable to balance that out and suggested as the system settles down it will improve more. I am a complete novice on a learning curve but I spent ages listening to different set ups/combo's and I love what I have got but I do have an itch in respect of the KI AMP!!!
Yes, I was talking about the 7001 KI, I've never heard the standard version. Wouldn't have called the KI harsh sounding though; open, detailed, etc.

Not sure what else you are running speaker or cable wise, but I found Audioquest to be a good match (the Copperhead interconnect and I use older Type IV cable). That might help if your dealer supplied stuff still doesn't resolve the issue.
I knew 'harsh' wasnt a good word. the high vocals on some tracks felt like they were verging on too sharp on specific tracks whereas on the standard 7001CDP they were warmer and more rounded but less seperated. Overall though the KI was better and is more realistic, particularly given the additional detail and seperation which is brill with certain forms of music. I love it and it was tons heavier than the standard 7001 so it 'must' be better!!!!!

In terms of speaker cable I have Chord Rumour2 which I am very happy with. The interconnect is Chord Chameleon Siler+.