55VT65 or wait for 4K


New member
Jun 10, 2011
hi, so buy a 55VT65 last of the panasonic plasma's or wait untill panasonic to produce a 4k screen. I am a massive fan of panasonic and will keep with them, but is 4k going to be worth the wait, last screen bought 2006 so really wan't to buy a new screen. ideas welcome.
How far from your tv do you plan on sitting? if its further away than 2 meters I wouldn't bother waiting. 4k requires a close viewing distance to get the benifits of the extra detail.
hi, sit 2.5m away, just after the best picture possible really, mainly watch HD content from sky, but would like blu-ray content to really shine.
According to this calculator, you would need to go to 65" for 4K to be worth it.

It is hard to ignore 4k TV ....simply because 1080p TV resolution is getting a bit long in the tooth as DVD once were. I have heard the arguments to say that you still need to seat closer to see the difference in a 4k image compared to an 1080p image sets.Yes,there is that but it is also really about having a TV resolution that comes close to what the eye can discern -8k is probably the max.

Now Contrast and Color would be a better immediate improvement in TV than more resolution but only with OLED family of displays can TVs deliver infinite contrast and billions of color - 64 bit. It is a terrfic milestone and challenge but with affordability been a dead cert problem......4k is the next best thing for the next 3 years at least.

My Canon DSLR can take beyond 2k resolution 4k to 16k images.....that would look Amazing on a 4k TV.

What others do not say is also the possibility of 120hz frame rate movies that 4K could support. But it is unlikely..... but some Directors support this like Peter Jackson......a 120hz monitor say on a PC gamers rig would give you 100% non judder of fast moving images without the need for motion interpolation trickery.......

4k is worth a look......believe you me.
I think the wait for viable 4K TVs and a decent library of 4K content will be longer than you think.

Faced with the same decision recently I bought a 50VT65. That'll do me for the next four-to-five years, at which point OLED will hopefully have matured and it'll be possible to buy a 55-60" 4K OLED TV for two-and-a-half grand.
It is hard to ignore 4k TV ....simply because 1080p TV resolution is getting a bit long in the tooth as DVD once were. I have heard the arguments to say that you still need to sit closer to see the difference in a 4k image compared to an 1080p image sets.Yes,there is that practical point but it is also really about having a TV resolution that comes close to what the eye can discern -8k is probably the max.

Now Contrast and Color would be a better immediate improvement in TV than more resolution but only with OLED family of displays can TVs deliver infinite contrast and billions of color - 64 bit. It is a terrfic milestone and challenge but with affordability been a dead cert problem......4k is the next best thing for the next 3 years at least.

My Canon DSLR can take beyond 2k resolution 4k to 16k images.....that would look Amazing on a 4k TV.

What others do not say is also the possibility of 120hz frame rate movies that 4K could support. But it is unlikely..... but some Directors support this like Peter Jackson......a 120hz monitor say on a PC gamers rig would give you 100% non judder of fast moving images without the need for motion interpolation trickery.......

4k is worth a look......believe you me. Pricing is crucial if 4k is to succed. 4 thousand pounds for a 55 inch TV is probably a bit high. 3.5k would be interesting price point
z058261 said:
1080p TV resolution is getting a bit long in the tooth

Yet we still don't have 1080p broadcast content (or at least very rarely indeed). The software and content delivery infrastructure can't keep pace with television technology. In my view, it'd be crazy to buy a 4K TV for at least another two-to-three years. Even then a purchase may be premature.
z058261 said:
What others do not say is also the possibility of 120hz frame rate movies that 4K could support. But it is unlikely..... but some Directors support this like Peter Jackson......

I though Peter Jackson supported 48Hz. Moreover, most people hated it.
If someone is willing to spend 2.5k on a 1080p set, than 3k would be tantalising to pay for a 4k set....

Untill we have seen one on demo.....really it is hard to dislike 4k for now ....even a 1080p upscaling to 4k woud be awesome

Wimbeldon will also be broacasting on 4k.

4k will be a success in SE asia as they have broadcasting in 4k.......in the West?? :roll:
4K 8K or special k doesn't appeal to me becouse as has been stated the uk broadcasting infastructure cannot possibly support it(sat,cable),but OLED will be a massive set up in pq from my current tv...realy looking forward to it 🙂
GSB said:
4K 8K or special k doesn't appeal to me becouse as has been stated the uk broadcasting infastructure cannot possibly support it(sat,cable),but OLED will be a massive set up in pq from my current tv...realy looking forward to it 🙂

You right......

And Living in Europe is one of worse place to get taste of ultra HD TV broadcast technology ........a third world TV nation
I first need to know how are they planning to deliver 4K content to the screens. There's no indication of a high capacity blu ray disc yet, and Sky & other broadcasters haven't announced any plans to offer 4ak content. Besides, SD pictures will look awful on a 4K screen.


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