3D Projectors... JVC or Sony?


New member
Jun 1, 2009
Looking to upgrade to a 3d projector and wondered if anyone has had a chance to compare the new Sony against the JVC X range.

Going to be hard to get a demo of both at the same time so first hand experience from someone would be greatly appreciated.
We are just waiting for the VW90's to arrive in the UK and will be able to compare to the JVC. Last year with the 2d projectors it was a very close run thing with the VW85 and the HD950 and I expect the same this year. There is quite a price difference so that may be a winning factor for the Sony.
Nick, have you seen the X3 in action, cant decide if I should go for that or if its worth spending more and getting the X7. Was there much difference last year between the 550 and the 750?
you're going to depress me now as I wanted the JVC too but couldn't persuade my wife! I will follow the post with great interest!!!
My Panasonic is away to get fixed... again! the bulb doesnt seem to want to go by 600 hours, so enough is enough, time for an upgrade, although don't know how long I will have to wait before I get one, seems to be a bit of a delay judging by the forums.


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